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Latest /regulation expert opinions

John Bertrand

John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited

By delaying instant payments, if suspicious, be effective?

At UK first Global Fraud Summit, HM Treasury plans to introduce legislation, only to apply to suspicious Authorised Push Payments executed within the UK in sterling. The proposed statutory instrument amends the Payment Services Regulations 2017 and allows PSPs to delay the execution of an outbound payment transaction by up to four business days fr...

/payments /regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

How is the EU AI Act Going to Affect Banks’ AI Adoption Ambitions?

As we steam ahead into 2024, while banks experiment with generative AI, they also need to be aware of how regulators will scrutinise how they use AI. Of specific concern is how the impact of the EU’s AI Act on banks’ AI ambitions will become much clearer over the coming months. The EU AI Act, which will become enforceable during 2025, is the wor...

/regulation Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Robert Houghton

Robert Houghton Founder at Insightful Technology

Three steps to ensure accurate compliance evaluation

Remaining compliant in today’s financial landscape is no easy feat. Every call, message, communication and snippet of information shared between employees, customers and trading partners must be captured, stored and monitored to prove compliance. To regulators, every financial institution is potentially guilty of wrongdoing, until proven innocent....

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Farnoush Mirmoeini

Farnoush Mirmoeini Co-founder at KYC Hub

The EU AI Act - What Are The Implications For Banking and Fintech?

Yesterday’s European Parliament's final vote on the AI Act, set to take effect this May, heralds the world's most comprehensive AI legislation. Just Like GDPR, it will have global implications beyond the EU. The AI Act provides a comprehensive framework for ensuring development of trustworthy AI and the responsible use of AI tools, in particular tr...

/regulation Artificial Intelligence

John Pearce

John Pearce Chief Customer Officer at CloudPay

What are the biggest compliance challenges for payroll professionals?

It should go without saying that the management of sensitive information has, and always will be, central to the roles of payroll professionals. However, in recent years the payroll industry, like almost every other, has had to deal with complicated factors such as the rise of remote work, shifting employee demographics and varying data privacy re...

/payments /regulation

Shahzaib Muhammad Feroz

Shahzaib Muhammad Feroz Digital Marketer at AKS iQ

Understanding Regulatory Frameworks for Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML) Compliance

Trade-based money laundering (TBML) poses significant risks to the global financial system, requiring robust regulatory frameworks and international standards to combat this illicit activity. Compliance professionals play a crucial role in understanding and implementing these frameworks to ensure effective TBML prevention. This article will delve ...

/regulation RegTech

Joe Rodriguez

Joe Rodriguez Sr. Managing Director Financial Services at Cloudera

How can data analytics impact decision-making in the fintech industry?

Data has become an essential driver for new monetisation initiatives in the fintech industry. Vast amounts of data are collected from customers, transactions, and market movements, among other sources. This offers tremendous potential to extract valuable insights that can inform business decisions, improve customer service, and create new revenue ...

/regulation /retail Analytics in Banking

Cassy Ramsey

Cassy Ramsey Chief Risk Officer at Aion Bank

Regulation and compliance are essential when picking the right BaaS provider

The term Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) has shot to prominence in recent years, but there is no single definition of a BaaS provider - some providers are strictly IT specialists, others hold licences limited to payment products, and a few offer full end-to-end BaaS with services based on a full banking licence. Today, BaaS has evolved and is availabl...

/regulation Embedded Finance

Shahzaib Muhammad Feroz

Shahzaib Muhammad Feroz Digital Marketer at AKS iQ

Why Detecting Trade based Money Laundering Matters?

Financial institutions protect the financial system and play a critical role in preventing money laundering, including the tough challenge of trade-based money laundering (TBML). In TBML, criminals exploit legitimate trade channels to conceal illegal money, thereby jeopardizing financial stability. Detecting and preventing TBML is crucial for main...

/regulation RegTech

Scott Dawson

Scott Dawson CEO at DECTA

How Regulation Can Supercharge Your Business

We all rely on the world that regulation creates – yet we groan at the mere mention of the dreaded ‘red tape’. With each new evolution in payments regulations, like the introduction of PSD2, we see a slew of doom-mongering articles on how it will negatively impact the industry, its stakeholders, potentially cause friction in the payments process,...

/payments /regulation Fintech

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