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339 Results from 2011, /payments

Salil Ravindran

Salil Ravindran Senior Director, Product Marketing at Zeta

Are banks adopting wallets and contactless the right way

NFC contactless and m-wallets have a significant role to play in the future of mobile financial services and mobile commerce. As much as we know this for a fact, banks have been sceptical in their minds and slow in their approach to embrace contactless payments while being much slower on wallets. The million dollar question is whether they are doi...

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Taiwan setting targets - 4 bn e-invoices in 2013

Su Chun-jung, the director of the Financial Data Center (that is resided under the Ministry of Finance) stated that: around 100 million e-invoices will be issued in Taiwan by the end of 2011 that figure will expand to 2 billion by the end of 2012 4 billion e-invoices will be issued in 2013. in 2013 50% of all invoices in Taiwan are e-invoices. It...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Russia moving towards e-invoicing

"On the 26th of December the Prime Minister of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the resolution “About the forms and rules of filling and exchanging documents for VAT management”. This document established the rules of use of invoices, sales and bough daybooks and a log book both in paper and electronic forms. Electronic invoices in Rus...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Just like payments - in sight

With the establishment of eeSPA we now have the organization in place to drive towards e-invoicing functioning “Just-like-payments. You sign up with one and you reach your customer or supplier globally. Every enterprise is here free to choose their own service provider – nobody is forced ...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Ruaidhri Garvey

Ruaidhri Garvey Solutions Manager at SunGard

Confirmation matching: Looking back.... to the future!

Even though the market for matching trade confirmations automatically is a mature one with many tools in place for more than a decade, manual processes still exist. Challenges including working with many counterparties, managing static data, manual matching, chasing and handling of paper confirmations continue to be key themes. Why haven’t these...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

How Safe is Your Mobile Wallet?

Consumers love alternatives, especially if the alternative is easy to use and already part of their everyday life. However, most consumers who undertake e-commerce using their mobile device are woefully unaware of the risks. Even when they do, there tends to be an ‘it-will-not-happen-to-me’ response. We are in some ways in the technological dawn ...

/security /payments Information Security

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Forecast 2012 - Thirteen Truths of Pipeline Management

T H I R T E E N T R U T H S O F P I P E L I N E M A N A G E M E N T Truth #1: The first truth of pipeline management is, as you might expect, that a strong pipeline avoids the quarter end crunch. You need enough qualified opportunities at each stage. One of the important things about a pipeline is its shape. Imagine two funnel shapes, one ...

/security /payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Better Joy Through Finance

The holidays are, for some, an unbearably stressful time of year. The food, the parties, the relatives, and, of course, the gifts, all conspire to make miserable what should be fun and enjoyable. Here at DRS Advisors we are always looking for ways to apply the power of financial engineering to making life more enjoyable, if ruthlessly practical ...

/payments Finance 2.0

Pat Carroll

Pat Carroll Founder/Executive Chairman at ValidSoft

An endless challenge? Or a new beginning?

In my last blog post I wrote about the problems banks will have with fraud detection when the three day payment process window shortens dramatically from January 2012. Because existing risk-engine strategies do not have the benefit of knowing the real-time status of the card holder, banks struggle to determine which transactions are fraudulent and ...

/security /payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

I can't believe you did that Co-Op

It baffles my brains that a bank would even consider buying 632 branches off Lloyds when they don't even have any investment in mobile banking. They have just made a big investment in the past and Lloyds and Virgin know it. Not only that, but the bank is a social bank. Co-operative mission statement... "We, The Co-operative Bank, will cont...

/payments /retail

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