224 Results from 2016, /payments
Retired Member
Maxim Ivanchenko, Canopus IT Director General, Advapay project founder In my opinion, there are at least 4 main reasons why it makes sense to create a payment business in Europe. Improved legislation; Capacity of the market; Significantly better investment climate; "Globalization". We place the last reason in quotation marks becaus...
21 September 2016 /payments /regulation
Parth Desai Founder and CEO at Pelican
There has been much talk about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within financial services to streamline processes and add value, some of which we are already seeing in the form of robo advisors and big data processors. AI has the potential to solve many issues for the financial providers and corporates – reducing middle and back office admin...
20 September 2016 /payments
Tom Hay Principal Consultant at Payment Systems Europe
Autonomous Research recently held a forum to update their customers from the investment and asset management community on recent developments and trends in payments. I was invited to speak, and shared the podium with representatives of high street and challenger banks, Fintech start-ups and payment service providers. The audience were considering...
15 September 2016 /payments
The payments landscape has seen some major changes in the last decade thanks to innovations from new entrants to the market. Consumers have benefitted from better rates, lower fees, improved customer experience - all driven by new technologies. I can’t help but wonder if incumbents would have invested in digital as heavily without the disruptive n...
12 September 2016 /payments
Paul Miserez Standards Department at SWIFT
At the occasion of the 2016 Standards Forum to be held from 26 to 29 September in Geneva, I interviewed a number of SWIFT standards experts about the content of this year's programme. As each of the four days will focus on a specific theme, my four blog posts will offer readers a sneak-preview of what people can expect to hear about. Day 3: Sta...
12 September 2016 /payments /sibos Standards Forum
Anthony Walton CEO at Iliad Solutions
I’ve seen it too many times. Development projects in testing can end up in a tangled mess when the required thinking is not employed up front. I rarely see people putting in place plans which they believe will fail. People aren’t irresponsible. But you can see that the approach is one that will lead to problems. The consequences are much greater...
09 September 2016 /payments
Hugo Cuevas-Mohr CEO at Mohr World Consulting - IMTC Conferences
The situation in Saudi Arabia for overseas workers is critical. During the oil boom migrant workers went from 5.3M in 2000 to 10.2M in 2015 according to UN figures. More than 1M have lost their jobs in 2016 and remittances are dropping more than 20% every month compared to last year's figures. Shivaji Sarkar wrote in The Pioneer: “The hiking petro...
08 September 2016 /payments /inclusion
Robert Schneider Corporate Business EMEA at SWIFT
Much has been written about the need for corporate treasurers to have visibility of their cash positions and yes, whilst an end of month financial report may have sufficed in the past, today the need is much more immediate. The ease of access to the global marketplace and the pace of change offer wonderful business opportunities. Conversely, they ...
07 September 2016 /payments /sibos
Richard Carter Managing Director at Equiniti Credit Services
The recent Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) report on the state of the UK banking market had a number of things to say about future direction, though perhaps the most important was the endorsement of open APIs and, in particular re-enforcing the commitment to Payments Services Directive 2, or PSD2, to use the common abbreviation. But what
04 September 2016 /payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Even protocols whose mission and process remain the same need updating In the world of online commerce, customer confidence is incredibly important. In the early days of the internet, 3D Secure was one of the most significant drivers of consumer confidence and eCommerce growth. 3-D Secure helped to instill trust and confidence in consumers who want...
01 September 2016 /payments
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