4909 Results from /payments
Retired Member
It is interesting to note that after a little more than a decade, Canada has decided to stop investing and creating technologies and market infrastructure for cheque imaging to make the paper clearing process faster, safer and better. North American countries in particular have been investing a lot, over the last couple of decades, on imaging prog...
28 October 2008 /payments /wholesale Futuristic Banking
It isn't hard to see why customers prefer to do their banking and bill-paying using a PC, rather than a mobile. Well it is hard to see, and that's the problem. Those tiny little mobile screens aren't in the race for the bigscreen financial view. Who would want to make a mistake or stress out about all those numbers? Why bother? The perception that ...
24 October 2008 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research
SEPA credit transfers went live at the beginning of this year and to date can hardly be called a resounding success. What is presented in the media and the party political line spouted by various pundits masks the truth, that there are fundamental problems with SEPA. The problems have a direct line to the drafting of the Payments Services Directi...
21 October 2008 /payments SEPA and European Payments
Its amazing hos phisers manage to crack into On-line banking sites, obtain user authentication details and siphon money. Multi-factor authentication, bio-metric identification and enhanced security will go a long way in minimising/preventing such happennings. Most banks across the globe are tightening their user authentication mechanisms which can...
20 October 2008 /payments Online Banking
There are scores of start-ups in the emerging financial technology space, many of which provide substantially overlapping services, and all of which are, at some level, free. As we move through the current crisis on Wall Street into whatever awaits on the other side one thing is clear: start-ups will need to spend their equity capital wisely, as ...
17 October 2008 /payments Finance 2.0
It's understandable that shareholders of banks are upset with the terms of the government lifeboat. The payment of dividends to shareholders is a prime reason for investment and in many cases the dividends form a vital part of pension's provisions. However, the tax payer is the innocent party in the financial crisis and the debacle of the banks ab...
16 October 2008 /payments /regulation EBAday
Conventional wisdom says that if merchants will just comply with PCI (payment card industry data security standard), then crooks will not steal card data from merchants. Under this wisdom, the US Federal Trade Commission has been punishing merchants like TJX. However, I don't see how PCI compliance would have stopped this POS terminal hack. The te...
15 October 2008 /security /payments
The part nationalisation of UK banks looks like it will become a global phenomenon with the US already moving towards this solution and the EU following suit if weekend reports are accurate. Is this a bad thing for the tax payer? Despite what tax payers feel about greedy bankers and their reckless use of our money, the salvation of the banks is cru...
14 October 2008 /payments /retail SEPA and European Payments
The All Party Parliamentary Group's report on bank and credit account fraud highlights the growing threat to existing accounts. Equally concerning is the misuse of accounts through Direct Debit fraud, which is recognised by banks and corporate organisations as a growing problem. These threats highlight the importance of establishing bank customers...
10 October 2008 /security /payments
Now I know this might be a small issue in the whole scheme of the global financial meltdown but HSBC seems to be plummeting to new depths of desperation. Only this week, I learnt how HSBC has been harassing, a recently graduated student, initially once a week over the past three weeks but more recently, this has increased to daily phone calls. A
09 October 2008 /payments /retail SEPA and European Payments
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