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4685 Results from /payments

Nick Green

Nick Green Consultant at ISD Consultants

Mobile Phones as Tokens

I find it really annoying that using a mobile phone as a token to make a purchase using NFC at point of sale is called "Mobile Payment". By the same yardstick using a contactless card is a mobile payment as it uses similar technology. I don't disagree that a mobile phone will be the "token of choice" for many, myself included, ...

/payments /retail

Russell Burke

Russell Burke Senior Payments & E-Money Authorisation Specialist at The Central Bank of Ireland

'Less Cash' not 'Cashless'

This story which deals with an interesting subject. Who actually benefits from a shift away from the traditional use of cash? Ultimately the economy of a country should benefit the use of more efficient, electronic payments rather than the slower and more costly forms of payment such as cash and cheques. Whether this manifests itself as lower ...


Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

Blinded by Blue Mist?

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of attending a talk by Ann Cairns, at the Financial Services Club, giving her personal perspective on "Managing technology change in the financial services industry". For those who don't know, Ann is CEO of Transaction Banking at ABN Amro, having joined ABN Amro in 2002, after 15 years at Citigroup wor...

/payments Financial Supply Chain

Hans Hagen

Hans Hagen Founder at Alphastrike

Dinosaur revival

Not too long ago, ATMs were predicted to suffer the same fate as dinosaurs. With the invention of payment cards of all sorts, increasing usage of cards as a cash substitute, and the introduction of cash back at point of sale, ATMs were predicted to suffer a slow death. Those predictions, however, failed to consider two key aspects of ATMs. First ...

/payments Trends in Financial Services

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

The mobile wallet generation

Young people are almost as dependent on their mobile phones as they are on cash, according to new research commissioned by UK ATM network Link. The poll, conducted by YouGov among 2000 adults found that 18-24 year olds ranked cash and mobile access as 'basic necessities'. The survey results also showed that young adults would be more willing to go ...

/payments /retail Trends in Financial Services

Hans Hagen

Hans Hagen Founder at Alphastrike

Never-ending battle

No industry observer is surprised by the reported rise in fraud committed abroad on UK cards. The perverse effect of harder-to-crack chip card technology is that fraud increases where chip cannot be used, by using cards with information obtained by skimming or other ways obtaining the information located on the mag-stripe on the back of the very ...

/payments Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Connectivity is about the Business, not the technology

I have a friend who has spend most of his life getting the latest technology. He is always rushing around downloading the latest drivers, getting the newest hardware and always raving about the latest standard and device that will make his life better. The problem is that technology has become his life! The time he saves and the convenience he h...

/payments /retail SEPA and European Payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Contact-less payments to hit the mainstream?

It seems that September was the month for contact-less payments. Barclaycard launched the three-way OnePulse, touted as a panacea for Londoners as it combines a credit card with a contact-less payment store and the essential Oyster card for access to the Underground, buses and a growing number of commuter train services. The contact-less element of...

/payments /retail

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Tim Jones' pension plan

The UK Government has announced the appointment of Tim Jones as chief executive of the Personal Accounts Delivery Authority Jones, a former chief executive of retail banking at NatWest and the man behind the Mondex e-cash scheme, will be charged with setting up a trust-based occupational scheme by 2012. The last we heard, Jones had just taken up t...

/payments /retail Where are they now?

Retired Member

Retired Member 

SEPA is all about being sensible

From a corporate point of view isn’t SEPA all about being sensible? As usual I find myself jet lagged and awake at 2am following another SIBOS and I look back at all the topics I have been involved with over the years and it suddenly struck me. For the most part SEPA is simply about better housekeeping. Now that I am fully awake I am convinced tha...

/payments /sibos

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