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4700 Results from /payments

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

SEPA XML formats concern European Corporates

I have written evidence that some of Europe's largest Corporates have expressed a number of serious issues to the EPC where SEPA is failing and in danger of deteriorating to a simple Bank to Bank system. But a picture has been presented in the media that SEPA is on course to achieving its end objectives at some stage in the future; however, the do...

/payments /retail SEPA and European Payments

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

When will we know SEPA is working?

Now this might be a really dumb question but I ask it in response to Chris Skinner's blog published on the SWIFT Community website. According to Chris, SEPA is working and he substantiates his claim by announcing various polling scores from an American audience at a recent conference. I am not sure how much relevance any poll on SEPA in the USA is...

/payments /retail SEPA and European Payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

No surprise faster payments aren't attention seekers

Faster payments is a good thing. The problem is that they aren't really faster until they're all faster, ie you can't really tell the customers 'some if your payments might be faster'. Customers will be quick to complain if there isn't consistency across their payments. I imagine that institutions don't really want to encourage expectations which ...


Stephen Wilson

Stephen Wilson Managing Director at Lockstep Consulting

Regulators chasing their tail over data security lapses

Reading between the lines, regulators will continue to take a big stick to institutions that leak personal data. And so they should. But there must be a more artful approach to stem the flood of stolen ID data. As a security professional, I am aghast at the never ending obsession with policy and process as the only weapons to fight ID theft.

/security /payments

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Vote for the top public intellectuals

Foreign Policy magazine has opened the doors for us to vote on the world's top 100 intellectuals. We can also put in candidates we think deserve to be on the roll call. I saw the usual suspects are in there - Thomas Friedman, Mohd Yunus, Amartya Sen, Jeffrey Sachs, Pope Benedict XVI and host of names in whose wisdom we normally soak in. Do put in ...

/payments /regulation

Matt White

Matt White North America editor at Finextra

Pre-paid cards a real cash rival?

Following on from Navjeet’s post on the enduring popularity of cash, a serious digital rival looks to be emerging, at least if you believe the forum's panel discussing innovations in payments technology. A venture capitalist in the audience asked what sort of exciting new technology start-up he should be looking to invest his money in. The panel...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

I know I'm hard on Telcos but...really

Here's a couple of examples how the Telco's get together to advance the mobile internet and m-commerce. £9,737.12 to update your kids computer game via your T-Mobile UK 'web 'n' walk while on holiday in Austria. £1,300 for using your plug-in Vodafone UK modem 20 odd miles away in France to check some emails and play a computer game for a few ho...

/payments Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Confusion in the Mobile Payments Market

I don't know whether to be concerned or pleased that 100 million of us may be paying by mobile by 2011. The Gartner report suggests that: wireless application protocol (WAP), - requiring software and expensive data connections, unstructured supplementary service data (USSD) - text based and potentially insecure even with extra software, and ...

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cash reigns supreme

Delegates attending the annual Digital Money Forum in London illustrated very effectively today that despite the increasing prevalence of card and electronic payments - cash is not dead but very much alive and kicking. In his presentation, Joe DiVanna from Maris Strategies, championed the use of coins and notes - rather than e-payments - and called...

/payments /retail

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Has SEPA failed?

We are already a third of the way through the SEPA year and its time to review where the industry is with this project? The feedback I have had from a number of corporates across the EU is that SEPA has still to make any significant impact on them. Many banks also appear reluctant to give SEPA the major thumbs up so far. So what's going wrong? It ...

/payments /retail SEPA and European Payments

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