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4826 Results from /payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Next Big Thing - and what is it takes to be that thing

When something happens for the first time - it's avantgarde. If you see it twice - it's original. On the third time - it's plagiarism. On the fourth - it's pastiche. But when it happens for the fifth time - it's a genre... (Anonymous) In the never ending discussion on innovation vs. execution (see Sara Lacy's great post here) I tend to be an avid...

/payments /regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Getting the timing right for a SEPA end date

Many people I have spoken to in the industry believe that finally, in 2010, we will see the announcement of an end date for SEPA. It is something many of us have been calling for, and now it looks like it might happen soon, so I can't help but wonder what the impact will be. Obviously a lot depends on what the end date actually is (or, horror of h...

/payments /wholesale

Nick Ogden

Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research

Biometrics solve a very real problem

I came across this blog on Finextra which took a fairly cautious view on the use of biometrics in the UK and Europe. It referred to Bank Leumi now using voice biometrics for password re-setting for online banking. Following announcements from Australia and the US, I agree that it is encouraging to see usage of biometrics taking off in the UK and...

/security /payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

False Accusation leads PAYPAL to disclose Accounts of others

If you find your name in this list, it means that you are one of the many collateral victims of a psychopath who was able to manipulate the french authorities (in the south of france) to requisition information from EBAY and Paypal by making a false accusation against someone. One of the collateral victims is the wife of Senator John Kerry. One c...

/security /payments Information Security

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Cutting administrative costs in half

Innovations always take time. Also in the case of e-invoicing. A few observations: - e-banking took time - and typically some actors lost faith (did not jump on the bandwagon or went passive) halfway down to the ice-hockey stick effect) - ice-hockey stick effects are next to omni-present in innovations - and now there has been a long break in real ...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile - First you'll get one - then...

By 2014, mobile and Internet technology will help over 3 billion of the world's adults to electronically transact. Emerging economies will see increase in mobile and Internet adoption through 2014. Worldwide mobile penetration rate will get to 90%. - "Gartner's Top Predictions for IT Organizations and Users, 2010 and Beyond: A New Balance&quo...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Nick Ogden

Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research

A solution to online fraud is necessary

News out this week suggests that online spending is on the rise with Brits spending £38billion online last year and the expectation that this trend will only increase in 2010. However, with opportunity comes threat and it’s fair to say the security surrounding online payments is a major issue that can no longer be ignored for all concerned. Recen...

/security /payments

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

Beware e-mails from HMRC offering you a Tax Rebate

Fraudsters are sending out thousands of tax refund 'phishing' emails following the 31st January tax deadline, according to HM Revenue & Customs. The email asks you to input your credit card or bank details into an online form, so that the rebate can be paid to you. But if you provide your details, your bank account will be emptied or your credi...

/security /payments Whatever...

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

The trouble with payments

Last week four bank experts sat down with Lee Fulmer of IBM to discuss the intended and un-intended consequences of the Payment Services Directive, as part of Finextra ongoing FinextraLive webcast series. Amongst the 75 minutes of lively chat, our panel grappled with the idea that payments might be more trouble than it's worth for some banks. Micha...

/payments /retail EBAday

Paul Love

Paul Love VP Business Development at Konsentus

Where next for contactless?

In the last week or so we have seen announcements from PKO Bank Polski and Intesa Sanpaolo about their plans to roll out contactless to their customers, with PKO Polski reporting that 6 million cards will be replaced in the project. However, there do seem to be mixed views in the market about the short to medium term growth of contactless. While so...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

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