4860 Results from /payments
Retired Member
Led by a sharp rise in the number of mobile subscribers globally, and the high volume of smartphone sales, mobile payments (m-payments) are expected to exceed £429 billion by 2017. And now, with the UK nationwide launch of ‘Paym’, Paypal, Apple, Google, and providers such as AT&T and Verizon embedding ISIS into the software provided on their d...
08 May 2014 /payments
Craig Ramsey Head of Real-Time Payments at ACI Worldwide
Just because I have a smartphone, doesn't necessarily mean I want to do everything on it. For me, a smartphone is useful for browsing or grabbing snippets of information, and I even use it as a telephone once in a while. But maybe I’m just too old to see the appeal of sitting and staring at a 4-inch screen to watch the news. As a consumer, I orig...
07 May 2014 /payments
The draft of the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) takes further steps in levelling the playing field between banks and non-banks within the financial infrastructure. But oddly (as I wrote about here) the EU does not go all the way in allowing non-banks access to the clearing and settlement mechanisms (CSMs). The EU’s reasoning remains uncle...
01 May 2014 /payments /regulation
Coming from an IT background, I am often overly critical of a bank’s IT department. I get frustrated when they appear to be more worried about technical standards than viable functionality. In truth, of course, both of these need to be balanced. Good functionality cannot exist without good IT - just as good technical capabilities are useless if t...
29 April 2014 /security /payments
It’s old news that the customer journey has changed in the last decade and continues to evolve as new digital channels are introduced or enhanced. Customers now expect to bank on their terms. This drives banks to act more holistically to ensure the customer and their interactions are fluid regardless of channel. This is a logical perspective for c...
29 April 2014 /payments
A key trend driving developments in the European financial infrastructure is the EU’s ambition to level the playing field between banks and non-banks. The first Payment Services Directive (PSD) created a legal framework within which so-called ‘Payment Institutions’ could legally operate and offer payment services. The draft of the second Payment Se...
23 April 2014 /payments /regulation
What can take your bank from good to great? That is the question we have been looking to answer for the last 6 weeks, and so far we have delved into five areas of focus. Our Tour de Transaction Banking is halfway to our finish line and this week I wanted to hop off the bike and recap our route, a midpoint highlight reel if you will. Stage 1: Real ...
15 April 2014 /payments
There’s barely a day goes by without a story on bitcoin somewhere on the news. Much misunderstood and very much hyped, could this digital currency ever play a role in corporate payments and cash management? For those who have heard of bitcoin but don’t really know what it is, here’s some basics: It was introduced in 2009 It’s a digital cryptocurr...
14 April 2014 /payments
The Financial Times and Twitter are already ravenously commenting the not unexpected move from Facebook into financial services. Indeed, not content with being just the platform to share cat photos and status updates, Facebook is apparently decided to provide financial services in the form of remittances and electronic money. The move might appear...
14 April 2014 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Creating efficient and successful mobile financial apps needs specialised software test automation If you haven’t been involved in creating a mobile app for managing payments or financial information on mobile devices, count yourself lucky. The myriad combinations of handsets and software that need to be tested when releasing this kind of applicat...
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