283 Results from 2010, /payments
Retired Member
‘Regulation’… this one word seems to have carried a dark cloud over the banking industry for the last year. However, not all regulation in recent months has been focused on liquidity or reigning in banks’ independence. In the UAE, for example, the introduction of the ‘Wages Protection System’ has enabled banks to seek out opportunities to become m...
05 January 2010 /payments /retail
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
I have been writing blogs for about 3 years and it is helping me to get some messages and information out to partners, customers, students, researchers and others who share the networked economy passion. About a year ago I was invited by finextra to start blogging on their site. As I have a background in banking and especially e- and 3rd generatio...
05 January 2010 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research
At the start of a new decade there still seems to be confusion between these two terms with many people using them interchangeably - so here’s the distinction set out plainly: Voice recognition, also known as speech recognition, converts spoken words or phrases to text which is then processed by a computer to recognise what is being said. Unfortuna...
04 January 2010 /security /payments Innovation in Financial Services
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