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218 Results from 2008, /payments

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Mobile phone - birthright of every world citizen!

In one of my earlier blogs, I laid out the opportunity of mobile numbers being used as 'citizen ID' and enabling access to credit to the huge mass of unbanked citizens of the world. Well, I now go a step further - we need a 'Universal Declaration of Mobile Phone Rights'. I think it is about time the United Nations passed a resolution requiring eve...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile payments: burning down the house?

I can’t fault her for trying. I guess it seemed like a good idea and a bold step towards freedom from the bonds of 20th century banking. “She” is a member of my staff based in the USA; let’s call her Alice, ok so I changed the name to protect to innocent! After reading that the Harris Interactive study released last week and the subsequent fea...

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Do you remember the first time? A Sibos virgin tells all

When was your first Sibos? It’s one those perennial questions for veterans of the international fintech circuit. Swift’s first international banking and operations seminar took place in 1978, attracting 300 participants to Brussels. When the doors open for Sibos 2008 in Vienna, some 70000 visitors are expected to attend. As it happens, my first Si...

/payments /wholesale Finextra@Sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Contactless has a much bigger foe than security: Apathy

Retailers are very pragmatic people. If something makes sense, works well and solves real problems, they’ll adopt it. Otherwise, no chance. While the banking community hypes up contactless cards and mobile payments, retailers in the US are saying something different. Evan Schuman of StorefrontBacktalk writes about the problems he ran into when he ...

/payments SEPA and European Payments

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Card Fraud - truly globalized

APACS released the latest figures on UK Card fraud - It really shows how good criminals are in quickly exploiting 'systemic' loopholes. UK spent more than a billion pounds to implement chip and pin. Shows how truly globalized the criminals are! If ChipPin impedes my fraudulent activities in UK; ...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Uncovering the hidden value in interchange fees

OK, I know that’s a provocative title, but bear with me. My last post showed how printing targeted promotions at the bottom of POS receipts costs merchants a few cents per impression versus close to a dollar for traditional direct marketing campaigns. The customer checking out right now hasn’t been here in over a month? Print a special offer to e...

/payments SEPA and European Payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What can merchants spend on value added payment services?

PIVAS – Payment Information Value Added Services: A platform that lets retailers deliver targeted promotions at the POS, via credit or debit card receipts (lots more here). A few of my prior blog posts provide some insight into the value of marketing rich payment services, mainly at a macro level. For example, there’s the Deloitte study that show...

/payments SEPA and European Payments

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Visa IPO - Classic, Gold, Platinum ..... or Infinite?

Among the doom and gloom in capital markets across the world, the only stray streak of silver lining appears to be the impending IPO of Visa Inc. Much has been written by analysts on whether Visa can replicate the 'Priceless' act of MasterCard. Certainly, the success of the IPO will mean bring some much needed cash for the member banks. About 10 ...

/payments /regulation

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Banks and Corporates in a PSD divide

The recent report from Tower Group expressing deep concern about the impact of the Payments Services Directive (PSD) between banks and their corporate customer's, makes very interesting reading. It appears to substantiate the underlying messages found within the white paper "SEPA moving against the tide". With both documents coming from ...

/payments /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

More companies adopting interchange based sales pitch

This company has developed an interesting interchange based ROI story for banks. Here’s the pitch: “Bill Pay Solution Enables Card Issuing Financial Institutions to Earn $150 Per Consumer Per Year in New Interchange Revenue” (The company is Yodlee. Here's their press release <> .) I fi...

/payments SEPA and European Payments

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