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4684 Results from /payments

Jamel Derdour

Jamel Derdour CMO at Transact365 / Nucleus365

Instant Deposits and Payouts: Shaping the Future of Payments

The rise of instant deposits and payouts is reshaping the global financial landscape, offering consumers and businesses faster, more efficient, and more convenient ways to manage their money. Instant payments, which enable the immediate transfer of funds, are becoming an integral part of financial services, from personal transactions to business o...

/payments /markets Innovation in Financial Services

Ruchi Rathor

Ruchi Rathor Founder at Payomatix Technologies

How Digital Payments are Driving Financial Inclusion in India

Financial inclusion is a critical enabler of economic development, ensuring that all individuals and businesses, regardless of their financial status, have access to essential financial services. In India, financial exclusion has long been a significant barrier to economic progress, particularly in rural areas. However, digital payment systems are...

/payments /inclusion

Jagdish Udayakumar

Jagdish Udayakumar Head of New Business at FIS

The Rise of Digital Payments : UPI Leads the Way

Financial Inclusion and Digital Explosion During my recent visit to India, I noticed three significant changes in the city's banking and payments landscape: financial inclusion, infrastructure expansion, and digital explosion. The deep-rooted penetration of smartphones and the widespread adoption of bank accounts, driven by government subsidies an...

/payments /retail

Anna Kuzmina

Anna Kuzmina Expert at Fintech


Recently I visited a rather peculiar place, a self-declared independent community in South Africa. It is called Orania. What is peculiar about it? Well, they have their own unofficial currency — Ora (a great and catchy name) and its digital equivalent dOra. All the while being simply a town in South Africa with South African rand in circulation

/payments /markets Fintech World

Ruchi Rathor

Ruchi Rathor Founder at Payomatix Technologies

The Rise of Digital Wallets: Trends and Future Prospects

Introduction Digital wallets, also known as e-wallets, have revolutionized the way consumers make payments and manage finances. From cashless transactions to seamless integration with other financial services, digital wallets have grown in popularity across the globe. The rise of digital wallets represents a significant shift in the payments lands...


John Bertrand

John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited

News on changes to APP fraud regulation

It was good news to hear that the regulators changed the ceiling of reimbursements to £85,000 from £415,000 and stopping the yellow journalism of all APP frauds would immediately rise to £415,000. The £85,000 level covers 90% of today’s APP scams. It’s important to match the ceiling on bank deposit compensation schemes world-wide. The new regulati...

/payments /regulation The Payments Business

John Bertrand

John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited

Fraud is not just financial loss

Summary Should the movement to defer the Payment System Regulator’s (PSR) mandated regulations for a year beyond the proposed start date of October 2024 then, at the current rate, a million bank account holders will be scammed out of £480 million. The banks will lose £240 million and so will the victims every year until the situation changes. Frau...

/payments /regulation The Payments Business

Azimkhon Askarov

Azimkhon Askarov Co-partner at CONCRYT

Payments and the summer of sports

From blockchain in sports broadcasts to NFT football cards, fintech has been instrumental in changing the way we play, watch, and support sports. As the 2024 Olympics comes to a close, Azimkhon Askarov, Co-partner of CONCRYT, looks at the payments lessons learned and the ways fintech can provide a unique opportunity for sports to redefine payment

/payments /inclusion

Edvards Margevics

Edvards Margevics Co-partner at CONCRYT

Are truly frictionless payments a pipe dream?

Gone are the days of signing for a payment – even entering a pin number can prompt exasperated eyerolls from consumers accustomed to completing transactions with a single tap. That expectation has now made its way online, with Open Banking making it increasingly possible to pay without entering card details. But with authorised push payment (APP)

/security /payments

Patrick Bermingham

Patrick Bermingham CEO at Adflex

The AI Act: what impact will Artificial Intelligence really have on B2B payments?

Visit any social media newsfeed and countless posts will tell you that AI means “nothing will ever be the same again” or even that “you’re doing AI wrong”. The sheer volume of hyperbolic opinions being pushed out makes it almost impossible for businesses to decipher between the hype and reality. This is an issue the European Union’s ‘AI Act’ (the ...

/ai /payments Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

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