339 Results from 2011, /payments
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
We all know how burning the need to save costs is in the public sector - to have to borrow less and avoid competitiveness destroying tax hikes etc. When this is coupled with a need to move a soon scarce workforce to more productive, better paid and more motivating tasks - which will take time - it is obvious: NO TIME TO LOSE - structural and wide...
17 September 2011 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Retired Member
Yesterday, PCI SSC published its first set of Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) solution requirements. This document, eagerly awaited by many, focuses on solutions that use cryptographic hardware to secure sensitive data at the point of encryption and at the point of decryption. The latest PCI POI PTS standard introduced last year included for the...
16 September 2011 /security /payments
This blog was created while Mark was working at The Logic Group. I am looking for a new wallet. It must be leather, bi-fold, and have a space for notes...I abandoned carting around loose change a while ago! I have been wondering if in five years, or may be ten years the wallet as we know it will still exist! I only use my wallet to carry payment c...
15 September 2011 /payments
Craig Ramsey Head of Real-Time Payments at ACI Worldwide
It’s hard to believe that Sibos is upon us again. It doesn’t seem like almost a year since we were all in Amsterdam. (Although they do say that times goes faster as you get older, so maybe that’s to blame…) In a world where so much is ‘virtual’, I must confess to a small stab of guilt at the thought of so many people travelling from around the worl...
15 September 2011 /payments /sibos Finextra@Sibos
With liquidity shortfalls playing such a fundamental role in the financial crisis of 2008, it’s no surprise that regulations such as Basel III and Dodd-Frank are pushing financial institutions to raise their capital and liquidity ratios. Banks are trying to understand how these new regulations will impact their business. And there’s one overarching...
We all know that SIBOS is a massively important event for the FinTech community, it is also a perfect time to lay down competitive traps for your competition. Your potential customers will be listening to your value proposition and then quickly visiting your competition so laying down your traps in an intelligent and indirect way that makes your cu...
14 September 2011 /payments /sibos
Mobile Money – Will the card payment companies come to dominate? As I mentioned in my previous post, Visa have indirectly come to be an important player in the mobile money market in Nigeria. In fact, the card payment companies (Visa, MasterCard et al) have been very active in this sector of late through their big name hires and acquisitions, whic...
13 September 2011 /payments
Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions
Credit card holders in India might have noticed of late that they’re receiving SMS alerts on their mobile phones each time they use their cards. I’m not sure if this is a bank/card-specific initiative or the outcome of some new government regulation applicable across the industry, but I’ve been receiving these notifications from the issuers of bot...
Rereading Christensen’s Innovator’s Dilemma. Some takes (emphasis mine) : - most successful enterprises get into deep trouble sooner or later and one theme common to these failures is that the decisions that led to failure were made when the leaders were widely regarded as the best in the world - Good management was the reason for failing to stay a...
12 September 2011 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
In my recent blog, I pointed out that regulations are constantly changing, becoming more complex. Global banks will find that proving transparency across multiple products to the regulators is a big challenge. All tier one banks operate with at least some legacy systems and some manual data sources, and can’t deliver all the required information i...
12 September 2011 /payments
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