254 Results from 2014, /payments
Martin Gloor Country Manager at Abrantix Pty Ltd
The EMV liability shift in the U.S.A is getting closer so I would like to share some basic strategies on how to implement EMV on POS terminals. While EMV has been a key component for terminals in Europe, Australia and other regions, many terminals in the U.S. accept magstripe cards only. This will change in Fall 2015 when the cards schemes will s...
23 December 2014 /payments
Retired Member
Believe it or not, there's a great new website that has a wide range of products priced in pounds sterling and get this – Bitcoin! If your virtual wallet is bursting at the seams and you just have to offload some of your cryptocurrency, one e-Commerce site promises to help you do precisely that. And all of this has been made possible by Nick Boa...
22 December 2014 /payments
Lu Zurawski founder, iKnowMe at Lu Zurawski
Having read many over-ambitious “Next year will be the year of X” statements, I avoid prediction precision myself. The game of replacing “X” with this year’s, nearly-there technology, and caveating the prediction formula with a few extra parameters is fun, but not risk free. As the Danish quantum physicist Nils Bohr said, “Prediction is very di...
19 December 2014 /payments
Mark McMurtrie Independent Consultant at Payments Consultancy Limited
2014 saw contactless payment come of age and many new ideas pitched to retail. Some payments innovations have excited but some have disappointed. Mark McMurtrie has his say. What changes have impacted the payments sector this year, and what is there to come in 2015? Consumers are increasing their love affair with eCommerce and making a record numb...
18 December 2014 /payments /retail
In an obscure corner of the Government website is a strange little document. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/386953/141211_basic_accounts_agreement_text.pdf It has no links back to any other part of the Government site. It is on plain paper and has no signatories or ownership, yet refers to “we”. Yet ther...
17 December 2014 /payments
Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group
The treasury management systems (TMS) business is in a constant state of flux – what is top priority today may be outdated tomorrow. Although this change can be very difficult to predict I took the risk of anticipating the most relevant trends I see for 2015 and in the incoming years (*). Trend 1: One-Stop-Shop At a global level, treasurers are ...
13 December 2014 /payments Treasury Management
Tom Hay Principal Consultant at Payment Systems Europe
PSD2, the regulation that will replace the current Payment Services Directive, has passed another milestone in its slow march towards legislation, having now entered the “trialogue” process. Adoption into European law in 2015 and transposition into national law by 2016 is possible. Given the magnitude of the changes that it reflects, there has bee...
12 December 2014 /payments /regulation
Electronic commerce has made our world closer than ever. Sites like Etsy allow us to buy products from artisans around the world, Elance provides access to freelance consultants from all corners of the earth, and the tools to track work product and provide payments across borders have become almost seamless. This provides more consumer choice and ...
09 December 2014 /payments /regulation
It’s that time of year where the voices of earnest business initiatives may struggle to be heard above the cacophony of festive karaoke singing. Given the right circumstances, I may even warble a bit of Curtis Mayfield myself (“Move On Up. Towards your destination, though you may find from time to time some complication…”). The party-goers at UK H...
08 December 2014 /payments
To me, there are 4 pillars that together form the foundation of any future state for payment systems. Consumers, Environment, Governance, and lastly (yes lastly) Technology. As an industry, we tend to get hung up on the technology because we live with it every day, but ultimately, the technology is just an enabler. Payments services require con...
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