Online banking

523 articles tagged with this keyword

/Online banking

Digital banking tipping point set for 2015, and customers will pay for it - PwC

By 2015 more people will interact with their banks digitally than through branches, and they'll be prepared to pay for the privilege, according to a global survey from PricewaterhouseCoopers.

/Online banking

Finextra and Mobey Forum to stage European mobile banking and payments conference

Finextra is partnering with the bank-backed Mobey Forum to launch MobeyDay, a new one-day conference for the European mobile banking and payments industry.

/Online banking

Global retail banking IT spending on the rise - Ovum

Despite ongoing economic turmoil, global spending on retail banking technology will increase by $3.6 billion - 3.2% - in 2012, and will hit $135 billion over the next five years, according to analyst house Ovum.

/Online banking

EC to probe barriers to payments integration

The European Commission will next week present a paper outlining obstacles hindering further integration in the European market for card, Internet and mobile payments and how these could be resolved.

/Online banking

GE Capital to buy MetLife US retail deposit business

GE Capital has agreed to buy life insurer MetLife's US retail deposit business, giving it around $7.5 billion in deposits and a new online banking platform. Financial terms were not disclosed.

/Online banking

Cyber-attack knocks out E*Trade Australia's site

The Australian Web site of brokerage E*Trade was hit by a "malicious" cyber-attack over the holiday period, leaving some customers unable to access accounts.

/Online banking

Finextra signs off for Christmas and New Year break

The Finextra office will be closed after Wednesday 21 December, re-opening Tuesday 3 January.

/Online banking

Security vendors to cash in on FFIEC e-banking authentication guidance

Over 80% of US banks and credit unions plan to invest in new technologies to help them conform to new FFIEC online banking security guidance, according to a survey from vendor Guardian Analytics.

/Online banking

CBA customers left fuming by more online, ATM and eftpos outages

Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) has been forced to take to Twitter and Facebook again to apologise to customers unable to access online accounts or use ATMs and point-of-sale terminals.

/Online banking

Visa Europe launches UK offers portal

Ahead of Christmas, Visa Europe has launched a Web portal offering deals and discounts from participating retailers to its UK cardholders.

/Online banking

Six arrested in million pound phishing scam

UK police have arrested six people in connection with a phishing scam that plundered over £1 million from student bank accounts.

/Online banking

Consumers prefer PayPal over credit cards for online shopping - KPMG

PayPal has overtaken credit cards as a preferred form of payment for consumers shopping on the Web, according to a survey of global shopping habits conducted by KPMG.

/Online banking

CBA looks to the future of banking with crowdsourced IdeaBank

Commonwealth Bank of Australia has set up an online portal for customers to post ideas for new products and services.

/Online banking

Movenbank bids to allay Facebook login concerns

Responding to user concerns, start-up Movenbank has moved to allay privacy and security fears over its use of Facebook for registration and log-in to the site.

/Online banking

The Visa, DirectGov pilot offers push-button security.

Test groups for the Visa, DirectGov push-button identification pilot comment on the complexity of the service and difficulty of the push-button card system. However, trust in both the Visa, the government and banks tested higher than expected in focus groups. Phil James, consultant at Consult Hyperion and project manager on the DirectGov pilot explains the pilot.

/Online banking

VocaLink inks Immediate Payments deals with Clear2Pay and Fundtech; SunGard goes mobile

New mobile-oriented products from SunGard and VocaLink have been released as the industry's biggest vendors respond to pressure on banks to deliver tactical innovations for customers that can be applied to back-end legacy processes and infrastructures.

/Online banking

UK banks wage cyber war games

UK banks are participating in a war games-style market exercise to test their responses to a concerted cyber attack and the threats posed to their business by traffic gridlock at the 2012 Olympics.

/Online banking

Sungard weighs on the changing retail banking landscape

David Hamilton, president of SunGard's banking business, looks at how banks balance their internal agendas with managing customer experience.

/Online banking

MoneyVista financial planning suite launches

Royal London Group has launched MoneyVista, a Web site offering Brits personalised financial planning services and tools.

/Online banking

Movenbank names Bales chief mobile officer

Banking start-up Movenbank has appointed Fundamo's Scott Bales chief mobile officer.