
6669 articles tagged with this keyword


Bank customers warm to virtual channels for 'high touch' interactions

Customers around the world are becoming increasingly comfortable carrying out major "high touch" interactions with their banks through virtual channels, according to a survey from Cisco.


How will mobile impact transaction banking?

In part one of an exclusive interview with EBADay keynote speaker, noted futurist Patrick Dixon, the founder of Global Change discusses the impact the digital revolution will have on banking and global payments.


Premier League club teams up with 2ergo on digital wallet

A Premier League football club has begun trialling a digital wallet from Manchester-based 2ergo that lets supporters download coupons to their handsets for use within the stadium.


Mobile emerges as key tool in fight for bank customers

More than half of people say they are prepared to ditch their bank and shop around for a new provider, according to a global study from Capgemini and Efma which suggests that the emerging mobile channel could prove a crucial battleground in the fight for customers.


Gaming for loyalty

Zoe Cunningham, MD of Softwire talks about incorporating gamification into loyalty and payments applications.


Bank barriers; cloud answers

Richard Conway of Elastacloud discusses how cloud technology aided the team from Lloyds during the Microsoft Digital Wallet Foundry.


Lloyds victorious at Microsoft's Digital Wallet Foundry

A two-man team from Lloyds TSB has won top honours at Microsoft's week long Digital Wallet Foundry identity and loyalty hack-a-thon in London with a proof-of-concept application to ease customer verification at the check out.


Lloyds victorious at Microsoft's Digital Wallet Foundry

A two-man team from Lloyds TSB has won top honours at Microsoft's week long Digital Wallet Foundry identity and loyalty hack-a-thon in London with a proof-of-concept application to ease customer verification at the check out.


PayPal integrates with Sherpa to take on Siri

Sherpa, a voice-activated Android competitor to Apple's Siri virtual assistant has launched in the US, with support for automated funds transfer between PayPal accounts.


Startupbootcamp Amsterdam opens NFC and contactless programme

Backed by major banks and telcos, the Amsterdam arm of Startupbootcamp has launched an NFC and contactless offering, inviting young firms to pitch for a place on a three month programme with access to funding, workspace and specialist advice.


Amazon pitches anonymous mobile payment system

Amazon has filed a patent for the creation of an 'anonymous mobile payment' system, in which the Web retailer sits as a middle man between parties to a transaction.


Visa Europe unveils multi-currency mobile P2P payments service

Visa Europe has beefed up its mobile payments service with the addition of features which let customers send money from their phone to any Visa cardholder on the continent, in any currency.


Seeing is believing: PrivatBank eyes Google Glasses

Ukraine's PrivatBank is set to launch a full suite of banking apps for hipsters donning Google's smart glasses.


China's Alipay pilots sound wave mobile payments

Travellers on Beijing's subway have begun trialling a system that uses sound waves to let them pay for goods at vending machines through their mobile phones.


Twitter kills off Flattr payment service

For the second time in a week Twitter has stopped a payments service that uses its platform, killing off the Flattr favourite-to-tip micro-donation system.


AIB opens branch to showcase digital services

Allied Irish Bank (AIB) has unveiled a high-tech concept branch in Dublin that will showcase the firm's digital services.


LG integrates PayPal into Smart TV platform

Electronics giant LG has struck a deal to integrate PayPal into its Smart TV platform, enabling viewers to pay for products and services through their remotes.


Twitter shuts down Ribbon in-stream payments feature

Within hours of launching, a Twitter in-stream payments service from start-up Ribbon has been killed off by the micro-blogging site.


MT. Gox blames surge of interest for bitcoin price drop

The massive fall in the value of Bitcoin yesterday was not due to a DDoS attack, but to a rash of new traders overwhelming systems as they rushed to get a slice of the virtual currency pie, insists exchange MT. Gox.


BNP Paribas preps digital bank - Les Echos

BNP Paribas is planning to open a new online bank this year as it seeks to cut costs by shifting customers away from expensive branch-based services, according to local reports.