2046 articles tagged with this keyword
News/Trade execution
London clearer LCH.Clearnet is considering buying out its shareholders and converting into a user-owned utility in a bid to fend off a takeover bid from an Icap-led consortium of banks, according to the Financial Times.
05 March 2009
IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) has received regulatory approval from the Federal Reserve to serve as a clearing house and central counterparty for credit default swap (CDS) transactions.
The Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX) has instituted sweeping reductions in staff salaries as it bids to preserve cash and keep the business afloat in the "current difficult economic climate".
Itau Securities has contracted the technology arm of Nyse Euronext to develop an electronic trading platform that will allow customers from around the world to send orders directly to Brazil's BM&F Bovespa.
The London Stock Exchange (LSE) has selected Rapid Addition for the provision of a FIX engine to its TradElect platform.
04 March 2009
Nyfix is migrating trading on its US-based Millennium dark pool to a new high performance technology architecture that the firm says will significantly improve performance for clients.
03 March 2009
Thomson Reuters is to spend $1 billion this year on the development of new financial services products, Devin Wenig, chief executive of the Markets division at the news and information group has told the FT.
Rising volumes of over-the-counter derivatives trades are threatening to swamp legacy clearing and settlement systems, warns State Street in a report that calls for a co-ordinated industry-wide effort to develop a new post-trade servicing regime for the industry.
Goldman Sachs is set to launch its Sigma-X dark pool equity trading platform in Hong Kong this week, according to the Financial Times.
02 March 2009
Pan-European MTF Turquoise is to join Bats, Chi-x, and Nasdaq OMX as the fourth member of an industry working group set up to develop and maintain a uniform symbology framework for European equities.
Loss-making Nyfix is likely to incur further costs in the development of its Euro Millennium dark pool after it was deemed non-compliant with the latest interpretations of the MiFID rulebook by the UK's Financial Services Authority.
27 February 2009
The Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR) is calling for the creation of a euro-centric repository of bilaterally-agreed credit derivatives, mirroring the DTCC's Trade Information Warehouse in the US.
Nomura has fired up the electronic trading platform of failed investment bank Lehman Brothers to provide clients with Direct Market Access (DMA) and algorithms, connecting to equity markets in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia.
Finextra has launched a weekly news review podcast that brings together the headlines and underlying themes and background behind the big news stories of the week.
26 February 2009
Peter Randall is to step down as chief executive of multilateral trading facility Chi-X Europe.
Swiss bank UBS has confirmed that a "system error" was responsible for the entry of an erroneous trade for three trillion yen at the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Tuesday.
25 February 2009
Shares in Thomson Reuters moved up more than five per cent as the giant news and information group reported Q4 sales and profit ahead of expectations, an increase in integration synergies and a forecast for continued growth through 2009.
24 February 2009
Stock exchanges in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to form an Asean direct market access electronic trading link.
23 February 2009
The London Stock Exchange (LSE) has been revealed as a participant in the consortium of inter-dealer brokers and investment banks that is considering a cash offer for LCH.Clearnet.
20 February 2009
SunGard CEO Cristóbal Conde has given a confident assessment of the financial systems firm's ability to weather the economic downturn after turning in solid growth in organic revenue for the final quarter.
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