
783 articles tagged with this keyword


Payments are changing globally

George Evers, International Product Director, VocaLink, discusses at EBAday in Dublin, the change in payment systems globally and what impact the move to real time will have and the opportunities from it.


Summing-up the main themes at EBAday this year

Teresa Connors, Head of Market Management, Natwest, sets the scene with her first impressions of EBAday in Dublin and discusses her interest in hearing the industry’s views on the current topics around payments- and shares her thoughts on the key drivers of conversation over the course of the conference.


Different conversations this year at EBAday

Fiona Hamilton, Director, Vice President, Europe and Asia, Volante Technologies, shares with us at EBAday in Dublin, her impressions of the conference over the two days and how the theme of conversations has been different this year and more focused on what changes can be made and opportunities there are with PSD2, open banking and adoption of real time payments.


Real-time more than just a new rail

Robert Browning, UK Country Head and Leader, Product Management, Finastra (formerly D+H), talks about the technical challenges for banks of moving to instant payments, and the opportunities to build a business case by looking beyond retail into the B2B space.


Instant payments will overtake card payments

Richard Dear, Business Development Director, Icon Solutions, discusses at EBAday in Dublin, the effect PSD2 will have on the European retail payments landscape when combined with the impact of instant payments - and how PSD2 and instant payments will underpin the API economy and enable innovation in the payments market.


Fintech partnerships can transform banks’ innovation

Ciarán Coyle, Chief Administrative Officer, Ulster Bank, talks about the evolution of bank-fintech collaboration, and how banks can leverage fintechs and regulation to become platform providers and ensure the winners from PSD2 are the customers.


Understanding the critical path to IFRS 17

Tamsin Abbey, EMEA IFRS Life Actuarial Lead Partner, Deloitte, discusses how insurers’ accounts will look different under IFRS 17, and how the increased transparency, consistency and clarity will aid the market’s understanding of insurers’ financial performances.


EBA Clearing preps revamp of Euro1 high-value payment system

With its new real-time payment platform set to go live in the next few months, EBA Clearing is turning its attention to Euro1, kicking off an investigation into how the flagship single euro payment system should be positioned in the rapidly-evolving landscape.


Take a strategic approach to Open banking

Damian Richardson, Head of Innovation, Payments, NatWest, talks about open banking and its potential to challenge and change the way banks offer services and products to customers. Increasingly banks and third-parties will collaborate to offer new personalised services to their customers through a network of APIs and a culture of open banking. This will take time to adopt but banks should take the strategic approach now.


Live: EBAday 2017, day two

Payments professionals from across Europe are gathering in Dublin this week for EBAday 2017, hosted by the Euro Banking Association and Finextra. We're liveblogging events here.


PSD2, Open Banking, APIs the customer

Hamish Thomas, Partner, EMEIA Payments Leader,EY, talks about PSD2, Open Banking and the wider impact banks have to provide and share customer information with third-party services providers through API networks. How banks share data and yet control and protect it to conform to security and regulation is a challenge. They need to look at this holistically to meet their obligations.


Finastra and SIA partner to expand real-time payments in Europe

Finastra has announced that it is partnering with SIA, European leader in payment infrastructures and services, to provide real-time payment capabilities to financial institutions operating all over Europe. This will enable financial institutions to use the Finastra (formerly D+H) payments solutions to connect via SIAnet to RT1, EBA CLEARING’s pan-European Instant Payments infrastructure.


Live: EBAday 2017, day one

Payments professionals from across Europe are gathering in Dublin this week for EBAday 2017, hosted by the Euro Banking Association and Finextra. We're liveblogging events here.


What banks and their customers can expect for the future

Jerry Norton, Managing Director, Financial Services, CGI, talks about the pivotal changes banks need to respond to, including PSD2, GDPR, instant payments and the need to leverage new technologies.


Banks are transforming both digitally and culturally

Gerhard Kebbel, Managing Director, Digitalisation, Helaba, discusses the importance of digitalisation in financial services and the changes it brings. He talks about transforming the way banks both interact with, and respond to, their customers by engaging with them digitally to provide new innovative services and products. To achieve this banks have to undergo change embracing new technologies and cultural outlook.


The future of Correspondent Banking and Cross Border Payments

Marc Recker, Head of Market Management, Institutional Cash Management, Deutsche Bank talks about the future of Correspondent Banking and Cross Border Payments in the Financial Institutions market. He offers his views on the need to look again at current business models, the issues of managing compliance, risk and transparency, the digital economy and and the imminent launch of Swift’s gpi initiative.


There isn’t long to get a grip on instant payments

Paul Thomalla, Senior Vice President, Global Corporate Relations & Development, ACI Worldwide, talks about the next phase of instant payments, the consolidation into low value and high value payments, the need for international integration, and the cultural change required in banks to make instant – and digital – work.


Preta launches project to build PSD2 directory

Following a stakeholder consultation started in 2016 to determine industry requirements, PRETA commits to providing a compliance-driven directory solution to support market actors in meeting PSD2 access-to-account provisions.


AI opens up high-end next-gen automation

David Bannister, Principal Analyst, Financial Services Technology, Ovum, talks about the search for the killer app for voice processing technology, the cultural hurdles to be overcome on the path to AI adoption and how AI will work together with IoT and blockchain.


Innovation platforms help banks exploit emerging tech

Rob Hetherington, Global General Manager Financial Services, SAP, talks about why emerging technologies are so hot right now, the use cases for machine learning already making an impact and how financial services firms need to be able to experiment to unlock the power of these technologies going forward.