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EBAday 2021 speaker line-up released

A blockbuster speaker line-up has been announced for Finextra and the Euro Banking Association’s upcoming EBAday event for 2021.


EBAday 2021: How a digital ID may shape the future of European payments

During October 2020, the European Council called for the development of an EU-wide framework for secure public electronic identification (e-ID), including interoperable digital signatures, to provide people greater control over their online identity and data, and to access public, private and cross-border digital services.


EBAday 2021: Why privacy is key to progressing a digital euro

The European Central Bank (ECB) president Christine Lagarde first told reporters in March 2021 that the delivery of a digital euro would be decided upon within months, and suggested that four years would be a realistic timeframe for the development and issuance of a digital euro. However, the decision to pursue it has yet to be made by the ECB Governing Council, which will base its decision on its own preliminary work, and recently released responses to its public consultation.


Apply for the EBAday Fintech Zone by 3rd May

Your final chance to apply for the EBAday Fintech Zone is fast approaching. Apply by Monday 3rd May for the exclusive opportunity to meet and collaborate with leading figures across financial services to drive visibility and engagement with your fintech.


EBAday 2021: Will 2021 see proactive regulators eschew their reactive reputation?

Spurring a seismic shift in the way financial services operate and are supervised, the pandemic forced regulators to reassess strategy and increasingly adopt new technologies to modernise their processes.


EBAday 2021: Finding European synergy in the transition from Open Banking to Open Finance

Pioneering a defined strategy in 2020, the European Commission outlined its intention to adopt a legislative proposal for a new Open Finance Framework by mid-2022.


EBAday 2021: Will the European Council’s latest endorsement boost corporate instant payments?

The European Council recently backed the creation of an integrated and instant system for retail payments, interoperable across all EU member states.


EBAday 2021: The road to payments transformation

After the success of EBAday 2020, the event will again run in digital format on 28-30 June 2021 for its sixteenth year, welcoming a host of board directors, chief executive officers and payments and technology heads from Europe’s leading banks.


EBAday 2020: ISO 20022 catalyst for banks to harness connected data

The ISO standards roll-out and open banking will galvanise banks’ efforts to compete with data-driven big techs, despite “vagueness” about how best this might be accomplished.


EBAday 2020: Finding the killer app for Request to Pay

Request to Pay is in danger of being an answer without a question, unless the banking and payments ecosystem can come together with the corporate world to identify a killer use case that would encourage mass adoption.


EBAday 2020: Banks’ plumbing still needs work before ISO 20022 migration

Diving into the ‘Unlocking customer value through ISO 20022’ session on day three of EBAday 2020, Guy Moons, head of enterprise payments solution, FIS, believes that the migration toward ISO is as revolutionary to the economy as going from a black and white television to a smart TV.


EBAday 2020: Cash visibility still an issue for corporate treasurers in 2020

Today, non-bank entrants such as PSPs and TPPs are entering the payments space to tap in to the lucrative and stable business that is transaction banking. To remain competitive and avoid disintermediation, financial institutions must support legacy core banking infrastructure and a resource-intensive, scalable delivery model – success is tied to relevancy in the corporate market and ensuring clients’ problems are resolved.


EBAday 2020: Are banks failing customers?

The question of whether banks are failing to provide the services customers expect was the subject of a heated panel debate during a lunchtime roundtable on Day Two of EBAday.


EBAday 2020: Lack of technical understanding a challenge for ISO 20022 adoption

Despite being waist-deep in its transition toward ISO 20022, the migration strategies held by financial institutions and schemes are still riddled with complexities.


EBAday 2020: It’s do-or-die time for real-time payments

Launching into the session ‘Reaping the potential of real-time payments’, Dean Wallace, director of real-time payments, digital and request to pay, ACI Worldwide argues that the expectations of the market will only continue to evolve, pressuring financial institutions to finalise their real-time payments (RTP) strategy.


EBAday 2020: Banks, fintechs or card networks, what will be disintermediated after cloud adoption?

While day one discussions centred around how open banking needs to reach a point where it is just accepted as a conventional way that consumers, corporates and banks can manage their accounts and make payments, panel sessions on the second day of EBAday 2020 focused on how the cloud and Payments as a Service (PaaS) can also act as an enabler for open banking, potentially cutting out rails that are currently acting as intermediaries.


EBAday 2020: Stablecoins could pose threat to level playing field in payments landscape

The level playing field of payment services could be undermined by the widespread use of stablecoin network, according to Maria Teresa Chimienti, market infrastructure expert at the the European Central Bank.


EBAday 2020: Is corporate uptake Request to Pay’s golden ticket?

Keeping listeners glued until the last moments of EBAday 2020 session ‘Request to Pay, what’s possible?’, moderator Leo Lipis, CEO, Lipis Advisors, challenged panellists with a particularly popular audience-submitted question: given that the very nature of Request to Pay outlines a shift in the economic balance for typical payments, from a market perspective, what is the actual business case for R2P?


EBAday 2020: Digital payments should be synonymous with convenience

Diving into the sessions on day one of EBAday 2020, defining the direction of travel for digital payments was resoundingly clear: mobile-led convenience.


EBAday 2020: Batch processing gives way to the instant payments revolution

At EBAday 2019 in Stockholm, Deutsche Bank’s Koral Araskin highlighted that if instant payments is the new normal, banks will heavily depend on cash buffers to cover all payment flows - even those which come outside of normal working hours. "Is this really meaningfully achievable?" he pondered last year. The events of 2020 and the impact of Covid-19 have truly shown that it must be achievable.