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EBAday 2021: The road to payments transformation

EBAday 2021: The road to payments transformation

After the success of EBAday 2020, the event will again run in digital format on 28-30 June 2021 for its sixteenth year, welcoming a host of board directors, chief executive officers and payments and technology heads from Europe’s leading banks.

Curated by the Euro Banking Association’s subject matter experts and Finextra Research, the conference programme comprises two core streams, keynotes, panel discussions and special interest sessions, covering new business models, new operating models and new forms of collaboration.

With the unprecedented nature of 2020, financial institutions were forced to accelerate their move to the digital banking ecosystem and consider whether they had sufficient resources, skills and long-term strategies in place for the new normal.

At the same time, instant payments and Open Banking have long been inching towards ‘mass adoption’ status, but it remains to be seen how these initiatives will continue to be positioned in Europe, North America, Asia and beyond.

In the same light, EBAday will question what changes are needed to handle liquidity requirements stemming from instant payments and from regulation, how regulation can act as an accelerator and not an inhibitor and if Request to Pay will achieve customer take-up.

Keynote speakers and panellists will explore how banks can deliver the digital payments strategy of the future and how technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud and APIs can satisfy ever-evolving customer needs. Other topics include: 

  • Instant Payments – a success story yet?
  • Digitalisation unlimited?
  • The next chapter for Open Banking
  • Strategies for intraday liquidity management
  • Digital currencies: a first glance behind the scene
  • Modernising the financial regulatory system
  • Correspondent banking – a business in transformation
  • First steps with Request to Pay
  • Payments/ Banking as a Service
  • On the homestretch with ISO20022
  • Do we really need Central Bank Digital Currencies?
  • Trends in global payments innovation
  • Technology that delivers

In addition to offering a comprehensive agenda, the EBAday 2021 digital platform will continue to be a meeting place for our pan-European community, replicating the physical experience with new ways to connect.

Registration for EBAday 2021 is now open.

Comments: (1)

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith - RTGS & ClearBank - London 12 March, 2021, 09:412 likes 2 likes

A lot to cover, and I hope they are up to speed in what is happening at the leading edge of many of these areas. I am often concerned that "leading" in Financial Services is actually often more following 3-5 years behind other sectors. Take API adoption, the industry is miles behind and now, direct APIs arent the models that many tech focussed companies follow, rather they opt for true asyncronous event pattern processes.

Instant payments is a great success, its the expectation of all customers and will continue to drive change across the sector. Financial services often sees digitalisation "unlimited" as moving away from manual processes and putting these processes simply in a digital forma, the process and thinking though remains very analogue and dated - so I would love to see real innovative leadership of thought here....

As for Open Banking, this needs to move to open finance and ditch direct APIs if it is to be practicle let alone a real success story. Intraday liquidity needs addressing but conscious that the correspondent banking model as it is (and evolving) still doesnt really aid in this since the model is dated. its not helped with the fact that ISO 20022 has so many different flavours and always will have - so I am not sure on the home stretch there to be honest....

Finally, payments and BaaS. I really hope they "get really" what BaaS is, its potential and how many banks should be looking to BaaS providers to help drive down their operational costs and operational risk, while helping them gain greater control and greater flexibility in the products they can bring to market. And as for CBDC, we need a good strong debate on looking at the negatives and challenges, all too often focus is on a "happy path" and specific use cases without addressing the issues and challenges. At the moment, CBDC has many more unknown implications and raised issues that problems it can solve.....
