Card fraud

506 articles tagged with this keyword

/Card fraud

EU card fraud nets organised crime EUR1.5bn a year - Europol

Thanks in large part to the adoption of EMV technology, card fraud has been on the decline in the European Union but it still pulls in around EUR1.5 billion a year for criminal gangs, says Europol.

/Card fraud

Barnes & Noble PIN pads hit by crooks

American book seller Barnes & Noble says PIN pads at 63 of its stores have been tampered with, putting customer card data at risk.

/Card fraud

Global card fraud continues to rise - survey

A quarter of people have been hit by card fraud during the past five years, prompting many to ditch their provider, says an ACI Worldwide-commissioned survey covering 17 countries around the world.

/Card fraud

Visa preps encryption service

Visa is preparing to launch an encryption service designed to help merchants, acquirers and processors protect cardholder data.

/Card fraud

Hackers nab 500,000 Oz credit card numbers

Aussie police say that hackers targeting merchant computer systems may have stolen half a million credit card numbers and racked up A$25 million in fraudulent transactions.

/Card fraud

Chase ATM skimmer jailed for 5 years

A man who went on a year-long skimming spree, targeting Chase Bank ATMs in four US states and stealing more than $400,000 from victims, has been jailed for five years.

/Card fraud

UK phone and courier bank card scam on the rise

An old-style scam that sees victims conned into handing over their bank cards and PINs to couriers is on the rise, netting British fraudsters £750,000 so far this year, the Payments Council is warning.

/Card fraud

Mounties bust C$100m card fraud ring

More than 40 people have been arrested by Canadian police, accused of being part of a massive card fraud ring that has stolen up to C$100 million.

/Card fraud

Global Payments taken off PCI lists over data breach

Global Payments has confirmed that "some card brands" have removed it from their lists of PCI compliant processors over a data breach affecting up to 1.5 million people.

/Card fraud

Soca shuts down 36 sites selling stolen card details

The UK's Serious organised crime agency (Soca) has shut down 36 Web sites used to sell stolen card and bank account details and arrested two men accused of using them.

/Card fraud

Global Payments breach affects up to 1.5m cardholders

US transaction processor Global Payments says that "less than 1,500,000 card numbers may have been exported" as a result of a systems breach.

/Card fraud

UK card fraud losses fall to 11-year low

Fraud losses on UK debit and credit cards fell seven per cent in 2011 to £341 million, an 11-year low, according to figures from the UK Cards Association.

/Card fraud

DBS reacts to skimming with SMS alerts for ATM withdrawals

Following a recent skimming scam, Singapore's DBS Bank has started sending customers text alerts when ATM withdrawals are made using their cards.

/Card fraud

Saudi hacker posts Israeli card details

Saudi Arabian hackers have posted the credit card details of thousands of Israelis online after breaking into local Web sites.

/Card fraud

Visa Europe probes potential processor security breach

Visa Europe is investigating a possible data breach at an Eastern European payment processor that may have hit thousands of cardholders.

/Card fraud

The Visa, DirectGov pilot offers push-button security.

Test groups for the Visa, DirectGov push-button identification pilot comment on the complexity of the service and difficulty of the push-button card system. However, trust in both the Visa, the government and banks tested higher than expected in focus groups. Phil James, consultant at Consult Hyperion and project manager on the DirectGov pilot explains the pilot.

/Card fraud

The Credential Broker Service pilots in Canada with three banks

Andre Boysem EVP - Digital Identity and Authentication Services at SecureKey explains the identity programme being sponsored by the Canadian government and being piloted by Bank of Montreal, Bank of Nova Scotia and TD Bank.

/Card fraud

PayPass and Tap & Go growth in Europe

Mike Cowen, Head of Transit in Europe and Chris Kangas, Head of PayPass, Europe both of MasterCard discuss the growth of PayPass and Tap & Go and the impact MasterCard's partnership with Transport for London will have in the UK.

/Card fraud

MasterCard discusses the Canadian rollout of EMV

Jan Lundequist, senior business leader, head of chip centre product management Europe, Display Card and Oliver Manahan, VP, Emerging Payments both of MasterCard discuss EMV and MChip Advance.

/Card fraud

How does the industry view the future of mobile?

Ann Cairns, president, International Markets at Mastercard discusses the future of mobile money and what the industry is expecting from innovation.