
260 articles tagged with this keyword


Human centric approach solves consumer-bank misfit

Maria Flyvbjerg Bo, Co-founder & CXO, Hufsy discusses the benefits of a human centric approach in the financial industry and how blockchain can be applied to the markets.


The killer apps of blockchain

Balazs Fejes (FB), Co-Head Global Business, EPAM, pinpoints where the “killer apps” will be found in blockchain and how to manage the concerns surrounding distributed ledger technology.


Separate the substance from the blockchain hype

Nick Williamson, CEO and Co-Founder, and Eric Benz, COO and Co-Founder, Credits, discusses the hype around blockchain and how retail bankers should be preparing for the technology.


Blockchain will be integrated into today’s systems

Stephen Gilderdale, Managing Director, UK, Ireland and Nordics, SWIFT, speaks about the potential changes banks face brought on by blockchain technology, APIs and cyber-security, ahead of the SWIFT Business Forum London, 20th April, 2016.


All aspects of banking are open to disruption

Jonas Huckestein, Co-founder, CTO, Mondo, speaks about how the banking business is set to be disrupted, and how you can differentiate between challenger banks based on their desire to have a banking licence immediately or at a later date.


Regionalisation of fintech capability

Chris Sier, Director, FiNexus, outlines the findings of government reports into fintech and distributed ledger technology, and discusses the potential role of Leeds as a fintech hub.


How can blockchain help the business problem?

Professor Tony O’Donnell, Head of Research and Innovation, Infosys Finacle, discusses how blockchain may fit into a bank’s strategy, and the implications of regulation around distributed ledger technology.


Bitcoin distracted from blockchain potential

Davide Girompini, Global Leader Payments and Transaction Services, IBM, speaks about the options banks have when trying to innovate cost-effectively, and how distributed ledger technology can be applied in the financial services industry.


Avoiding a society of digital haves and have nots

Ahead of her keynote at Mobile World Congress this week, Ann Cairns, President of International Markets, MasterCard Worldwide, discusses the importance of digital inclusion in avoiding fractures in society, and the technologies and partnerships that can work to ensure financial inclusion globally.


Blockchain will transform payments ecosystem

Ruth Wandhöfer, Treasury and Trade Solutions, Citi, speaks about why movement towards a cashless society is slow and what the future may hold for the role of banks and money in the context of distributed ledger technologies.


Innovation in KYC and client on-boarding

Neil Jeans, Financial Crime Compliance & Risk Consultant, Thomson Reuters, discusses the need for innovation in KYC, and how regulators are responding to innovation in the financial services industry.


Start-ups should concentrate on sales

Jonathan Gittos, Angel Investor and Entrepreneur, and Dealmaker, UKTI, outlines the challenges fintech start-ups face when trying to get investment - and why the UK fosters an innovative environment for these new entrants.


Simplification and innovation from blockchain

John McLean, CTO and Vice President, Software Group Europe, IBM, outlines the potential benefits of blockchain for financial institutions, what opportunities an open source approach allows, and what 2016 may hold for industrial blockchain development.


The transformative power of blockchain

Brian Donegan, Head of Operations, eBusiness, ICT Development, Isle of Man Government, discusses the challenges digital currency creates for regulators and the potential government applications for blockchain technology.


Horizontal change in the payments industry

Paul Thomalla, SVP Global Corporate Relations & Development, ACI Worldwide, speaks about whether business or technology drivers are changing the payments landscape, and the role of regulation in disrupting the industry.


The final move to becoming a cashless society

Gunnar Berger, Head of Cash Management Solutions, Nordea, outlines the potential of real-time payments to give Sweden the final push to become cashless, and discusses whether banks are ready to work alongside new entrants.


‘From disruption to real world change’

Erica Åhman, Head of Nordics, SWIFT, speaks about the value of this year’s SWIFT Nordics Regional Conference in Oslo for the Norwegian and Nordic communities, and what important global payments topics will be discussed, alongside securities and an Innotribe session.


Turning off the liquidity tap

Lee Fulmer, Market Commentator, discusses progress with intraday liquidity management, exploring how banks need to understand not just whether they have enough liquidity but how to control the flow of that liquidity in a crisis situation.


Use of crypto-technology beyond currency advancing

Lee Fulmer, Market Commentator, discusses the emerging application of crypto-technologies outside the currency space, and assesses how the blockchain is likely to be applied in the asset registry, application stack and asset-centric areas, by which players, over what timeframe.


Blockchain, 24/7 payments & corporate payment hubs

Gene Neyer, Global Product Manager, D+H, speaks about the current climate of payments modernisation, what changes are taking place to reach transformation goals, and the potential of blockchain as a disruptor.