Automated teller machines and network services

1660 articles tagged with this keyword

/Automated teller machines and network services

Bankia orders 600 new ATMs from NCR

NCR Corporation (NCR), the global leader in consumer transaction technologies, announced today that Bankia Spain, the fourth largest bank in Spain, will upgrade its ATM network with more than 600 NCR SelfServ 34 and NCR SelfServ 32 cash deposit ATMs in the course of 2016.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Thieves steal Y1.4 billion in two hours from cash machines in Japan

A total of Yen1.4 billion ($12.7 million) has been stolen from cash machines in Japan in a co-ordinated two-hour raid by 100 people using cloned bank cards.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Xerox takes the wraps off retail workflow suite

Xerox (NYSE: XRX) today launched 15 new workflow solutions that automate the way organisations cope with globalisation, meet increasing compliance requirements and exceed customer demands.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Malware turns whole ATMs into skimming devices

A Russian-speaking criminal gang is using 'Skimer' malware to turn whole ATMs into skimming devices, enabling the crooks to make withdrawals and steal card details, Kaspersky Lab is warning.

/Automated teller machines and network services

VocaLink signs deal with UnionPay International

VocaLink, the international payment systems provider, today announces a five year deal with UnionPay International, which will enable UnionPay cardholders to access ATMs in the UK and continental Europe.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Metro Bank to deploy Glory Global cash recycling machines

Glory Global Solutions today announced that Metro Bank, the UK’s leading challenger bank, will begin deploying Vertera 6G Teller Cash Recyclers across its new stores opening in 2016-17, as well as replacing older technology in a number of their existing locations.

/Automated teller machines and network services

European and Latin American bodies join forces to fight payments crime

The European ATM Security Team (EAST) has joined forces with the Latin American Association of Operators Electronic Funds Transfer and Information Services (ATEFI) in order to further strengthen cross border cooperation in combating all types of payment crime including payment card fraud, hi-tech crime and ATM cyber and physical attacks.

/Automated teller machines and network services

NCR to offer ATM-as-a-service lease financing

NCR Corporation (NCR), the global leader in consumer transaction technologies, today announced that it has signed a strategic alliance agreement with Huntington Technology Finance to provide lease financing for NCR ATMs, including ‘ATM-as-a-Service’ type options, for financial institutions.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Olympia to place 75 ATMs at Calgary train stations

Olympia Financial Group Inc. (OLY.TO) is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary Olympia ATM Inc. has been awarded a one-year contract, with five additional one year term optional extensions, with the City of Calgary for the placement and operation of up to 75 ATMs at Calgary Transit CTrain stations.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Link reports record May bank holiday weekend ATM withdrawals

Over £100 million more was withdrawn from the UK’s ATMs during this year’s May Day bank holiday weekend compared with last year.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Europeans ready to quit banks over out-of-date technology

As they increasingly bank online and through their mobiles, many Europeans say that they would leave providers that do not offer up-to-date technology, a survey from Fujitsu shows.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Link ATM network renews VocaLink processing deal

VocaLink, the international payment systems provider, today announces the signing of a five year deal to provide exclusive processing for the LINK ATM network.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Fiserv to resell Inetco ATM monitoring kit

Inetco Systems Limited, a leading provider of real-time transaction monitoring and customer experience analytics solutions for retail banking channels, today announced they have signed an agreement with Fiserv, Inc. (NASDAQ: FISV), a leading global provider of financial services technology solutions.

/Automated teller machines and network services

CIB goes back in time with steampunk cash machines

Hungary's CIB Bank marked the capital's annual celebration of its historic buildings by installing two steampunk-style cash machines designed to look like they were 120-years old.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Turkey launches national payments system

Turkey has gone live with its own card payment system, dubbed Troy, as it seeks to boost electronic money and usher in a cashless society by 2023.

/Automated teller machines and network services

NCR Q1 revenues slip

NCR Corporation (NYSE: NCR) reported financial results today for the three months ended March 31, 2016. First quarter revenue of $1.44 billion was down 2% year-over-year.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Atmia publishes ATM skimming protection manual

Atmia today announced the publication of a new best practice manual for preventing skimming and card data compromises at ATMs in the wake of the recent FICO card alert reporting a 546% increase in ATM skimming between 2014 and 2015 in the USA.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Poland’s Idea Bank expands its mobile ATM fleet

Idea Bank, Poland’s most innovative bank supporting the country’s dynamic and vibrant entrepreneurial culture, has reported a major expansion of its fleet of mobile ATMs that allow thousands of business owners to safely deposit their daily revenues within minutes from end-day closing.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Puerto Rico's Oriental Bank rolls out cardless cash app

OFG Bancorp (NYSE:OFG) today announced that its Oriental Bank subsidiary has become the first financial institution in Puerto Rico to introduce “Cardless Cash” on its mobile app.

/Automated teller machines and network services

Brixton Pound gets its own cash machine

Users of the Brixton Pound can now get their hands on the community currency via a purpose-built cash machine.