The Cloud Series in association with AWS

Better connecting customers to their bank with the cloud

17 September 2019

In this age of the customer when banks are leveraging the cloud to reduce costs, innovate faster, minimise risks and digitise mission-critical services, it’s become clear that technology drives change at a ground-breaking rate.

Building the future of capital markets with the cloud

17 September 2019

The cloud has been a catalyst for accelerated development in capital markets. Firms are now using the cloud to become more agile and to increase the pace of innovation delivered to end users.

How insurers can leverage the cloud to focus on innovation

20 September 2019

Insurance providers must leverage the cloud to offer a personalised experience to their customers, but also ensure that operational agility and innovation are a priority.

Why financial institutions are modernising on cloud

17 September 2019

For financial institutions (FIs) leveraging the cloud, the earliest adoption was often the high-performance computing grid to support complex modelling. Gone were the days when limited capacity of on-premises grids meant that quants or actuaries had to wait for the compute resources they needed to run their models: across workloads, the cloud allows FIs to immediately scale up compute resources at peak times and scale down when demand dipped, paying only for what they use.

Migrating market data to the cloud

27 August 2019

Market data is the lifeblood of financial institutions (FIs) with banks, brokers, wealth managers, asset managers and hedge funds relying on quality pricing and trade-related data to power their business applications. But today customers expect to access to data on their personal devices and FIs are stepping up their digital transformation game.

Debunking Five Misconceptions about Market Data Transformation in the Cloud

27 August 2019

Market data is the lifeblood of financial institutions (FIs) with banks, brokers, wealth managers, asset managers and hedge funds relying on quality pricing and trade-related data to power their business applications. Developers are demanding easier access to this data for app development, data usage is increasing, C-level executives are calling for enterprise-wide modernisation and slashing costs, and vendors and regulators are issuing complex auditing requirements. The cloud may provide the FIs with much needed relief. This report discusses how some FIs are starting to move away from the traditional methods of on-premise storage and distribution of market data and migrating data storage away from their legacy data centre, moving their market data to the cloud. To find out more; download the report.

Scaling for the next generation with APIs in the cloud

16 August 2019

Today’s generation of consumers expect a digital-first experience from their providers. Whether they’re shopping online, streaming content or interacting with financial institutions, anything less than on-demand is no longer acceptable. However, when considering the US, retail banking is not yet fully digital, and customers must still visit a branch to fill out paperwork when opening an account.

How to drive business value with APIs in the cloud

16 August 2019

The cloud simplifies and accelerates delivery of open banking standards, providing opportunities to improve awareness, transparency, and scale. Industry players would benefit by forging ahead with more effective and structured collaboration, facilitated by application programming interface (API) standardisation and shared customer data insights.

APIs in the cloud are now the prevailing archetype

16 August 2019

The future lies in microservices in the cloud. While the financial services industry continues to discuss digital transformation, actions speak louder than words. Organisations that want to meet the needs of the next generation of consumers will use software comprising small services that communicate over well-defined application programming interfaces (APIs) deployed independently – the microservices approach.

How APIs will transform banking in the US

15 August 2019

Consumers today expect a digital-first experience and anything less than on-demand is no longer acceptable. However, when considering the US, retail banking is not yet fully digital, and customers must still visit a branch to fill out paperwork when opening an account. Banks still struggle to provide digital experiences to their customers, services that are minimal and mostly based around simple transactional capabilities. The main culprit for this is the legacy core systems that most institutions are saddled with. Many are decades old, and nearly all were not built to be flexible enough to meet the demands of the modern digital world. This report explores how APIs and the cloud can enable the next generation of banking and ensure that FIs can quickly and efficiently roll out new digital products and services without expensive and lengthy tech integrations, or having to entirely replace old systems.

Leverage Open APIs - the glue that will hold your ecosystem together

15 August 2019

 The cloud has accelerated the delivery of open banking standards, transforming the industry into a transparent sector with potential to scale exponentially. Traditional banks and fintech players would benefit from structured collaboration, facilitated by API standardisation and later, shared customer data insights. We are witnessing digital marketplaces emerging that are creating exciting new channels for consumers, spurred on by government regulations and enabled by new technologies. These nimble marketplaces are not unlike brick and mortar ‘pop-up’ retailers and appeal to today’s customers through engaging, highly-personalised products and services. This report addresses how can banks think beyond compliance to address the customers’ growing demands, how the next evolution of customer loyalty can be defined and how can we, as an industry, can calibrate the business model to drive new acquisition channels as well as quickly enable new partnerships to create value-aligned propositions.

Transforming Risk Systems for Financial Institutions

12 July 2019

Financial institutions are under huge pressure to balance regulatory compliance with business growth at the same time as needing to reduce costs. This pressure is often most keenly felt within risk management functions. This document provides an overview of the challenges, along with a cloud reference architecture – the Accenture Risk Calculation for cloud solution (ARC) – that helps financial institutions rise to the challenge. This 13 page report offers a wealth of practical guidance, maturity models and frameworks derived from the successful experiences of Accenture and Amazon Web Services in assisting financial institutions to take their first steps moving risk data and systems into the cloud.