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Debunking Five Misconceptions about Market Data Transformation in the Cloud

Debunking Five Misconceptions about Market Data Transformation in the Cloud

Market data is the lifeblood of financial institutions (FIs) with banks, brokers, wealth managers, asset managers and hedge funds relying on quality pricing and trade-related data to power their business applications.

Developers are demanding easier access to this data for app development, data usage is increasing, C-level executives are calling for enterprise-wide modernisation and slashing costs, and vendors and regulators are issuing complex auditing requirements. The cloud may provide the FIs with much needed relief.

This report discusses how some FIs are starting to move away from the traditional methods of on-premise storage and distribution of market data and migrating data storage away from their legacy data centre, moving their market data to the cloud.

To find out more; download the report.

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