The Cloud Series in association with AWS

What will drive capital markets firms to migrate to cloud in 2020 and beyond?

25 September 2020

Legacy infrastructure cannot keep pace with the continuous automation, changing regulatory demands, dynamic market conditions and growing customer expectations in the financial services industry today, particularly in capital markets. Firms have started to realise the opportunities that come with cloud, redesigning operating models and implementing cost-saving measures to increase efficiency.

How to combat payments fraud with machine learning in the cloud

11 September 2020

Financial services customers are operating with faster speed and greater agility in the payments space, now more than ever with the incremental volume of card-not-present transactions, accelerated adoption of contactless payments, and new financing options at the point-of-sale, among other key trends.

Machine Learning Best Practices in Financial Services

11 September 2020

Adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) accelerated in recent years. This is due to the availability of cost-effective, virtually unlimited data-storage capacity and compute power from cloud services. Cloud has removed many of the barriers for financial institutions to experiment and innovate with AI/ML. Financial institutions today increasingly build ML models to transform their businesses and prevent fraud. They are also implementing ML workflows to enhance customer experiences, personalize offerings, and optimize trade execution and portfolios. However, in doing so, they face stringent, complex regulatory guidelines. Based on feedback from customers running workloads in highly regulated environments, our whitepaper outlines security and model governance considerations for financial institutions using AI/ML applications. It illustrates how financial institutions can create a secure machine learning environment on AWS and use best practices in model governance, based on a firm’s risk tolerance, integration with existing governance, and regulatory expectations. Download this whitepaper and discover how Amazon SageMaker and other AWS services can help multiple stakeholders in your firm build and deploy well-governed and secure ML workloads.

How the cloud transforms customer experience in financial services

26 June 2020

The bar to meet customer expectations across industries has continued to rise. Digital innovation is changing how companies engage their customers in every interaction, particularly how they deliver information as well as products and services.

Contact Center Optimization for Financial Services

09 June 2020

The Financial Services industry has relied on contact centers for decades—but traditional solutions aren’t keeping up with customer expectations for instant, personal engagement, nor are they able to support greater workforce flexibility. In addition to confronting changing customer demands and agent needs, financial institutions face significant expenditures for traditional contact centers, which often involve multiple third-party vendors with complex licensing models. With Amazon Connect, financial institutions can improve their customer engagement while reducing costs and simplifying their contact center technology stack. Download this eBook and discover how AWS helps financial institutions securely improve customer experiences by transforming transactional channels into growth channels, building brand loyalty, enabling real-time event processing, as well as capturing and identifying signals to generate greater customer intimacy.

On-Demand Webinar - The Future of Cloud Computing in Capital Markets

01 June 2020

An Asset Servicing Use Case: Best Practices for Success on the Cloud

An Executive’s Guide to Cloud Security

26 May 2020

The Financial Services industry is one of the most regulated industries in the world. In order to stay competitive, financial insititutions need to push the boundaries of innovation while complying with strict security requirements. AWS understands the security, regulatory, and compliance obligations financial institutions face and has worked with the industry’s most complex organizations to meet their requirements at every stage of their cloud journeys. Download this eBook to learn how AWS can handle your security heavy-lifting, while enabling you to keep full ownership and control. Discover how other financial services customers have scaled and innovated, while maintaining a secure environment in the AWS cloud.

Using governance to accelerate cloud migration in financial services

22 May 2020

Financial institutions have the opportunity to enhance traditional governance processes by building a well-structured cloud service assessment from the ground up, to help demonstrate regulatory compliance when moving to the cloud.

AWS in Capital Markets eBook

09 April 2020

Why are Capital Markets firms adopting the cloud? The Capital Markets industry is facing challenges—continuous automation, changing regulatory demands, dynamic market conditions, growing customer expectations—and legacy technologies can’t keep up. As a result, Capital Markets firms are adopting the AWS cloud in order to discover new opportunities, re-think and re-design operating models, and implement cost-saving measures that increase efficiency. Download this eBook to learn through use cases how Capital Markets customers are working with AWS to accelerate their speed to market, strengthen security, enrich customer experiences, and make better data-driven decisions.

How cloud unlocks the value of time series data

09 April 2020

As mobile devices double as digital wallets streaming location coordinates and transaction information, satellite images capture fleet movements and consumers generate product reviews on social media, financial institutions are gathering and analysing a rapidly growing amount of non-traditional data to enhance their core financial datasets. The analysis of this time series data – data that captures temporal changes, organised by time – allows firms to detect unique patterns and make future predictions of market performance and behaviour.

The Future of Cloud: Powering the Financial Services Industry

19 February 2020

Strategic Insights and Best Practices for Success in the Cloud. The pace of change in the financial services industry is unprecedented. Regulatory oversight continues to expand with more stringent reporting and security requirements, emerging technologies are disrupting consumer expectations and the ecosystem is constantly evolving as new players enter the market. As a result, financial institutions are redefining their business models to deliver the capacity, agility and technology design they need to attract talent, be competitive and drive growth. From banking and payments to capital markets and insurance, cloud has become the new normal. In this paper, financial institutions, technology providers and consultants share their strategic insights and best practices for success in the cloud. From building a solid foundation to exploring the cutting edge, they discuss industry trends and specific use cases for stages throughout the cloud adoption journey.

Managing data beyond the tipping point of cloud

20 January 2020

While 52% of asset management firms use the cloud for data management today, a further 28% plan to migrate data management to the cloud in the next 18 months.