Payment Systems Regulator

71 results about this entity

Period: 04 Sep 2019 - 23 Jan 2025


FCA and PSR set out next steps for open banking in the UK

The next steps for open banking in the UK will include a new independent company to drive forward variable recurring payments.


UK's Payment Systems Regulator sets out updated strategy

Halfway through its five-year strategic plan, the UK's Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) has published its strategy update setting out its core commitments.


PSR calls for data sharing between banks and technology platforms to combat APP fraud

A new report from the Payment Systems Regulator shows how fraudsters exploit major platforms to scam consumers.


UK regulator PSR plans cap on cross-border card fees

The Payment Systems Regulator is pushing ahead with plans to introduce a price cap on the fees Visa and Mastercard charge UK merchants when European shoppers make online purchases.


PSR says APP reimbursement rules are promoting vigilance, not complacency

Research published by the Payment Systems regulator indicates that reimbursed fraud victims feel more vigilant about fraud risks, not less.


Alison Potter appointed as chair of FCA and PSR decision making committees

The FCA and PSR boards have announced the appointment Alison Potter as chair of the FCA’s Regulatory Decisions Committee (RDC) and the PSR’s Enforcement Decisions Committee (EDC).


Confirmation of Payee reaches almost all transactions in the UK

Confirmation of Payee in the UK has been extended to cover almost 99% of all transactions made through Faster Payments and Chaps after more financial firms implemented the fraud-fighting protocol.


PSR seeks feedback from businesses on card-acquiring remedies

Since its card-acquiring remedies came into force last year, the PSR has been monitoring firms’ efforts to implement them effectively.


PSR confirms £85k reimbursement limit for APP fraud victims

Today, the PSR has confirmed the maximum reimbursement limit for victims of Authorised Push Payment (APP) scams starting from 7 October.


PSR to cut APP reimbursement limit to £85,000

In the face of growing government and industry pressure, the UK's Payment Systems Regulator is set to bow to demands to reduce the reimbursement limit offered by banks to victims of authorised push payment fraud from £415,000 to just £85,000.


PSR sets out next steps for variable recurring payments in the UK

The UK's Payment Systems Regulator says it will assess the necessity and scope of mandated participation in Phase 1 expansion of Variable Recurring Payments (VRPs) following stakeholder feedback.


PSR stands firm over reimbursement model for APP fraud

As the banking industry chafes against upcoming rules governing payback to victims of authorised push payment fraud, the Payment Systems Regulator has released new data which shows that reimbursement for victims still depends largely on who they bank with.