Banco Sabadell

80 results about this entity

Period: 12 Sep 2005 - 23 Jul 2024


Banco Sabadell lets biz customers make payments from accounts with other banks

Spain's Banco Sabadell is stepping up its use of Open Banking to enable business customers to make payments from its website using accounts held with other financial institutions.


Sabadell looks to offload TSB as BBVA merger falls through

Spanish bank Banco Sabadell is considering the sale of its troublesome UK unit TSB Bank, following the collapse of merger talks with BBVA.


Banco Sabadell signs with Onfido for customer onboarding

Banco Sabadell has signed a strategic partnership with the identity authentication and verification company Onfido to integrate its artificial intelligence technology for remote customer identification and onboarding.


Spanish banks extend smart money proof-of-concept trials

Banco Sabadell, Banco Santander, Bankia, BBVA and CaixaBank will be initiating a new sectorial proof of concept to experiment the distribution of digital money this November.


Banco Sabadell's InnoCells invests in point-of-sale credit startup Nemuru

Nemuru, a fintech platform that allows for the generation of personalised consumer loans of up to €30,000 at the point of sale, has raised €2.6 million in a funding round led by Banco Sabadell's InnoCells and Bankia Fintech Venture


Spanish banks complete tests of programmable payments for smart contracts

Banco Sabadell, Banco Santander, Bankia, BBVA and CaixaBank have successfully completed a proof-of-concept test to enable the execution of payments triggered by smart contracts in blockchain networks.


Nomo offers advanced invoice collection service

Nomo, the fintech web and app platform that integrates financial services and business management tools for the self-employed and freelancers, has introduced a new feature with which self-employed workers can bring forward collection of their invoices pending payment.


Banco Sabadell brings insurance services to WhatsApp

Spain's Banco Sabadell is preparing to use messaging app WhatsApp to deliver home insurance services.


Banco Sabadell taps IBM public cloud in Mexico

Banco Sabadell, the first 100% mobile bank in Mexico, is working with IBM Services (NYSE: IBM) to continue innovating with digital solutions and services. Banco Sabadell will host its infrastructure on the IBM public cloud and use Red Hat Enterprise Linux to modernize applications and deliver innovative services to its customers.


Banco Sabadell and TSB sign $1 billion cloud services deal with IBM

Banco Sabadell has signed a ten-year $1 billion deal with IBM to advance its hybrid cloud strategy, while UK subsidiary TSB contracts with Big Blue to rebuild its technological infrastructure after last year's disastrous IT meltdown.

Spanish banks to test programmable payments for smart contracts

Banco Sabadell, Banco Santander, Bankia, BBVA and CaixaBank have initiated a proof-of-concept test to deploy an interbank Smart Payments Platform that would enable the execution of payments in blockchain networks.

Sabadell taps incubator graduate Nomo for sole trader app

Banco Sabadell is adopting technology from InnoCells incubator graduate Nomo to provide sole traders with an all-in-one app for managing their business finances.