Deutsche Bank

515 results about this entity

Period: 19 Sep 2011 - 23 Aug 2024

Ready, steady, go on the Autobahn App Market

David Watson, head of GTB client access products at Deutsche Bank discusses the goals and evolution of the Autobahn App Market.

The key to thought leadership

Marcus Sehr, global head of cash management FI product at Deutsche Bank looks at positioning the discussions at Sibos.

How has the GTB dialogue changed?

Werner Steinmüller, head of global transaction banking at Deutsche Bank looks at the industry's past, present and future.

How banks can focus on the customer

Susan Skerritt, Regional Head Americas, Global Transaction Banking, Deutsche Bank examines 'client-centricity' and the essential elements to improving customer experience and delivering innovation.

Reinventing the custody model

Satvinder Singh, Global Head of Trust & Securities Services and Cash Management for Financial Institutions at Deutsche Bank looks at the pressures and challenges facing the custody market.

The values of a bank

Nelius De Groot, global head of financial institutions & securities sales, Deutsche Bank GTB talks about the newly announced values at the bank and the procedures of cultural change.

Long standing Latin American focus

John Estrada, Latin America Head of Cash Management for Financial Institutions Sales, Global Transaction Banking, Deutsche Bank talks about the growth of trade between Latam and Asia as well as supporting Latam with local services such as db University.

Rotten core: Bank IT costs set for material increase

Banks operating ageing IT platforms can expect to experience a material increase in running costs over the coming years, only partially offset by the introduction of smaller cheaper-to-run branch outlets.

Cash management trends in North America

Jeffrey Bisig, North America Head of Cash Management for Financial Institutions Sales, Global Transaction Banking, Deutsche Bank discusses how regulatory changes, the importance of compliance and AML tools as well as the growing focus on service is shaping the banking world in North America.

Should we care about Target2Securities?

Angus Fletcher, head of market advocacy and business strategy, GTB, Graham Ray, global product management, Direct Securities Services, Audrey Fauvel, head of EMEA sales, Direct Securities Services and Andrew Rand, head of Direct Securities Services, EMEA, all at Deutsche Bank urge the industry to get engaged with T2S now.

Delivering the holistic customer experience

Christian Westerhaus, co-head of client products and solutions, Deutsche Bank talks about improving the customer experience and supporting innovation in a post-silo’ed banking world.

Deutsche Bank brings supply chain finance to the app market

Deutsche Bank has added a supply chain finance app to its Autobahn App Market.