427 results about this entity

Period: 22 Jul 2005 - 17 Feb 2025


BBVA re-opens Spanish branch network

BBVA has re-opened its entire branch network as Spain emerges out of lockdown.


BBVA Open Platform helps firms move money in real-time

BBVA's API-powered open banking platform has launched a real-time payments service via Visa Direct, for US companies.


BBVA ships tool to help companies calculate their carbon footprint

BBVA has released a new tool which scans client's aggregated transaction data to determine the amount of greenhouse gases they emit into the atmosphere with their daily activities.


BBVA exports digital 'Ninja' staff training programme to San Miguel

BBVA and Mahou San Miguel, Spain’s leading producer of beer, have begun a collaboration that will roll out the bank’s digital professional development program (‘Ninja’), offering it to the beverage company’s employees.


BBVA launches website for its equities and credit linked structured products

BBVA, in partnership with FinIQ, a market leading fintech company, is announcing the launch of BBVA epricer, a website for its equities and credit linked structured products.


Is it time to believe the blockchain hype?

Finextra Research has collaborated with Deloitte's Richard Walker, HSBC's Mark Williamson and Ciaron Roddy and BBVA's Francisco Maroto amongst others and to produce a detailed report on the future of blockchain technology in financial services: Where is the industry now? Where could it go? How do we get there?


New accounts can be opened at BBVA Switzerland with a simple video call

BBVA in Switzerland has launched a new online platform in record time, targeting prospective customers who are interested in opening an account.


BBVA and the IMDEA Software Institute partner to research advanced cryptographic techniques

BBVA is partnering with the IMDEA Software Institute, which belongs to a network of international research centers in Madrid, on the development of advanced cryptographic techniques.

BBVA to match employee donations to Coronavirus campaign

BBVA has launched a campaign for employees to do their part to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic.


BBVA refreshes digital banking suite for international corporates

With a newly updated version of Global Net Cash, BBVA takes another step forward in the digital transformation of banking for global businesses and institutions. In the current context,


BBVA moves to get more out of fintech partnerships

BBVA is tweaking its Open Talent competition for startups as part of a wider realignment of its relationship with the fast-maturing fintech sector.


Spanish government passes sandbox bill

The Spanish government has approved draft legislation aimed at encouraging the digital transformation of the financial system through the establishment of a regulatory sandbox, where businesses can trial cutting-edge projects with real customers.