Not the Messiah, just a very very nasty boy: Uber abhorrent actions on huge data breach Another day passing, another Uber’ story exploding, another data ...
22 November 2017 /regulation Data Management 101 The Chinese Government social credit score project. Or rather Social Score or mass control. This is both amazing in scope and terrifying. It has all the hallmark of a massively dangerous invasion of privacy and a massive social experiment with the ultimate goa...
11 November 2017 /retail Finance 2.0
The Equifax debacle demonstrate the danger lurking into a very outdated, non-customer friendly and absolutely not transparent approach to data. The market is sanctioning Equifax before the regulators hopefully do the same in Europe at least and the consumers launch legal actions possibly class actions as it is now possible in the EU. That such a ...
10 November 2017 /regulation Innovation in Financial Services
It is commonly acknowledged that data are a fundamental engine for growth in the 21st Century economy. It is particularly true in Fintech and Insurtech, where most of the innovative products and services rely on the use, processing, exploitation of data whether personal data or other types of data. Data are increasingly becoming a new asset class...
09 October 2017 /regulation /retail Digital Banking Trends
Jens BaderCEO at Funanga AG
Tomas CamposCEO at Spinwheel Solutions Inc
Eliot HodgesCEO at Anduin
Adam HughesCEO at Amount
Krishna SubramanyanCEO at Bruc Bond
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