I did mispell your name, which may have been due to some auto-spellcheck at work. Please accept my apology for the same. Your writing is relevant, timely and deserves a lot of attention.
08 Jun 2024 17:38 Read comment
Hi Barry, you do indeed bring up some very pertinent issues. Quality of data remains the key item to be addressed even as everyone is diving into AI. It deserves far more attention than it gets today.
08 Jun 2024 04:48 Read comment
Thanks. I am not able to see your linked post, perhaps it might help to re-share privately and have a separate conversation about your own experiences on Open Banking and how you see it evolve. Thank you.
25 Mar 2024 23:32 Read comment
Furthermore, I would like to enquire more. If EU has not progressed further despite PSD2 and PSD3, why is that so? If there are 6000 apps Open Banking apps in the US, then that means it is a runaway success. But beyond Plaid, what does that actually mean? Is this consumer-led banking? If not, it is not open banking in the way we think it should be. But perhaps they have defined it for their own purposes. So is it new wine in new bottles or old wine in new bottles? On the other hand, in our markets, data ownership and customer engagement will be a more complex, negotiated process with an eye on differentiation and portfolio growth from new segments. The definition of Open Banking will change.
25 Mar 2024 02:40 Read comment
Hi Ketharaman, you are right-however, I am following the most structured markets which policymakers elsewhere may take up as benchmarks. The button "Open Banking" is just to be treated metaphorically. Customers should be able to engage with FIs and third parties to see multiple banks on one app, choose what data they are ok to share and are able to work with those through a single interface in common agreement. I am also keen to know more about FDX. Lot of learnings going on and lot of blind spots to be rectified. Thanks for your inputs, greatly appreciated.
25 Mar 2024 02:32 Read comment
Steve PoppleCEO at PoppleSoft
Susheel JainCEO at Exouza
Stuart CheethamCEO at MQube
Felipe LunaCEO at Praesto Works
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