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2023 (3)
Stuart Cheetham

Stuart Cheetham

CEO at MQube
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Has suspicion around AI content come into the mortgage industry?

24 Nov 2023

Disclaimer: This content was not written with the assistance of AI. Last week, brokers slammed a comparison website for incorrect mortgage content. Many suspected that the content may have been created by tools like ChatGPT. Is this a glimpse of a future where most of the content online will be AI generated, therefore generic, uncreative, and often...


AI in mortgages: transforming the lending process

13 Sep 2023

Is the use of AI currently widespread in the mortgage industry? The term AI is broad, and it is important to bear in mind the terms under the AI umbrella will cover everything from simple-to-use technology to incredibly complex generative AI. AI has evolved significantly over the years and tools have moved on by quantum leaps, meaning the AI tools...


Technology and the changing face of the mortgage market

25 Jan 2023

How is AI and machine learning revolutionising the mortgage industry? The mortgage industry is not renowned for being user-centric and change has historically been driven by the lender's needs. AI and machine learning transforms the customer journey, providing a completely different experience to form filling, document processing and the speed of ...