Identify the originating address as junk and let your browser bounce back future mails does it for me!
17 Nov 2009 04:11 Read comment
Couldn't agree more! And this party does not only count bankers among its invitees, but, it seems, every single FinMkts intermediary as well. Dark pools is one thing (used to be the little black book of the market maker) but f.i. 'sneak preview trading'? Carts running at major speeds, having left the horses behind long ago!
23 Oct 2009 05:08 Read comment
Why do we put up with them, indeed?
It should not be that hard to collectively refuse to deal with those systems that treat us like ........
Supposedly there are better ones, although I have not found one yet.
06 Oct 2009 05:16 Read comment
Dean: I'll make sure not to miss tomorow's one, should be good!
03 Sep 2009 05:12 Read comment
I seem to recall having learned somewhere, eons ago, but then I am a tad older, that financial markets are supposed to provide those seeking funding with efficiently priced capital, as well as those seeking to invest surplus funds with an equitable return. Mediation, hallelujah! But when the mediation (mediator?) starts becoming more important (the ultimate goal?) than those being mediated, something is somewhat awry?
27 Jul 2009 09:15 Read comment
Hear, hear! Couldn't agree more, particularly on the 'Rather than being treated as a discrete project' bit. It's a matter of building a culture of ........ (fill in one or all of: continuity, security, compliance, etc).
22 Jun 2009 05:17 Read comment
Dean: That's exactly how runs start, back in '29 and today. I guess the UK was lucky in that the Northern Rock queues did not spread too much to other banks, although I do understand that in some instances higher withdrawal rates were noticed. But it's an old story: you see a queue a bank, you 'run' to get your money out, right?
16 Jul 2008 10:46 Read comment
You're absolutely right. I use Parallels, but it lets me do the same things. I feel that Windows actually benefits from the stability of the Mac platform: I have fewer crashes than I ever had on a Wintel box. Running OS X, XP and Ubuntu 8 simultaneously is great fun!
21 May 2008 13:46 Read comment
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