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Personal Finance

This group would contain articles related to personal finance

Luigi Wewege

Luigi Wewege President at Caye International Bank

Is it Still a Smart Strategy to Invest in Precious Metals Beyond 2021

Mention gold and heads are likely to turn. That’s because gold is seen as a sign of wealth and prosperity. Most people around the world own something that happens to be made with gold. As it relates to investing, gold is something that should be included in just about any type of portfolio. Why would you want to consider this type of investment? Co...

/markets /predictions

Akshaya Chandra

Akshaya Chandra Head of Innovation, Technopreneur at Tata Consultancy Services

Are we saving enough today, for a better tomorrow?

Someone wise said, ‘Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional’. The global population is ageing. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) report, population of 60+years in the world increased from 12% to 22% between 2015 to 2020. This increase has occurred rapidly and unequally in the World. AgeUK 2019 report says in the UK, alre

/wealth /inclusion

Gian Mahil

Gian Mahil Director at The FinTechGuys

Eight Simple Rules – to survive the tsunami of fraud.

During and post-Covid 19 the world has been hit by a tsunami of fraud. With the move to electronic money where everyone has their money in digital form, the criminals have realised this has made it easier for them to part you from your money. They don’t need a gun, a knife – just a phone and a computer and they don’t have to come to you. They can ...

/payments /crime

Amita Choudhary

Amita Choudhary Marketing Manager at Princeton Growth Accelerator

Online Shopping Security Tips: How to Avoid Scams and Headaches

Exploring the internet in search of small niche stores is one of the best ways to find amazing deals. It’s also a good way to find B2B e-commerce sites that specialize in fulfilling bulk orders, which can be a godsend if you’re a business owner. However, it’s important to be mindful of security risks and scams when placing orders outside of popula...


Amita Choudhary

Amita Choudhary Marketing Manager at Princeton Growth Accelerator

Protect Your Money: 5 Investor Safety Tips

As any good investment fraud lawyer will tell you, no one is too smart or too careful to become a victim of investment fraud. After all, a certain amount of good faith is needed for the financial sector to be able to exist, which is why the legal system offers pathways for investors to recover their losses when that good faith is exploited. Howev...


Amita Choudhary

Amita Choudhary Marketing Manager at Princeton Growth Accelerator

5 Credit Score Maintenance Tips for Business Owners

For entrepreneurs, maintaining a good credit score comes down to adopting the right habits. Here’s what you can do to improve the credit score of your business, or at least prevent it from going down. 1 - Bill payments Paying bills late will have a direct impact on the credit score of your business. If you have enough cash flow, it’s wise to set ou...


Amita Choudhary

Amita Choudhary Marketing Manager at Princeton Growth Accelerator

The Impact of the Coronavirus on Mortgage Refinancings

Many markets were hit hard by the Coronavirus pandemic. The effects are still manifesting in some areas, and it will take some time to fully understand the implications of what has happened during those couple of years. And as many people have found themselves hit hard by the situation, it’s become crucial to take a long, hard look at the way we c...


Simon Gegen

Simon Gegen Financial cloud services and wallet solutions at Holla-Tech

How Spread Betting In The Forex Market Works

Spread betting is a form of foreign exchange trading that involves speculating on changes in the movements of currencies without actually trading them. There are three main components to a spread betting strategy, which are the direction you expect the trade to move in, the size of your bet, and the spread of whatever you're speculating on. Th

/wealth /markets

Simon Gegen

Simon Gegen Financial cloud services and wallet solutions at Holla-Tech

Stocks vs Real Estate: Where Should You Invest?

Above image credit to Pixabay There are several factors to consider when choosing investments, including your financial circumstances and objectives and the timing of the investment. While successful investing is often all about having as diverse a portfolio as possible, sometimes you’ll be faced with a straight choice as to what to invest in. If

/wealth /markets

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Open Finance - how to make Making Tax Digital truly succeed

With Making Tax Digital (MTD) now in full swing, HMRC is one of the most digitally advanced tax administrators in the world. But for many small business owners, MTD is new territory and HMRC is a black hole of information. Due to COVID-19, HMRC made the swift decision to delay phase two of MTD, meaning businesses who were preparing to put digital...

/payments /inclusion

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