
Group founded 16 May 2017
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Members 163
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Fintech discussions and conversations around the development of fintech.

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George Zarya

Germany Leads The Way In Crypto, Bequant CEO sees historic precedent

Germany is traditionally seen as a trustworthy player in the financial space, not least because of its approach to regulation. Deutschland’s compliance approach and traditional conservative values whe...

03 Dec 2019
Retired Member


FinTech, shortened from Financial Technology, is a fast-rising industry that improves financial activities like asset and wealth management through technology, hence its name. It is a technologically ...

23 Nov 2019
Konstantin Rabin

China is on a mission to regulate Fintech

China has now publicly voiced its desire to be the leading country in financial technology development and adoption. The president of the republic openly called for the promotion of blockchain technol...

22 Nov 2019
Gabe McGloin

Avoiding Black Friday Blues

Although the Christmas shopping season starts earlier every year, the transaction frenzy really begins with the sales juggernaut of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. According to an Adobe Analytics surv...

20 Nov 2019
Bo Harald

Speech today

Speach to students and supporters at Aalto University innovation workshop. Dear innovators, We are now entering a very fascinating era – the data-driven economy - where so many megatrends converge....

11 Nov 2019
Retired Member

Closing the SME market gap: what’s next for banking, finance and FinTech?

SME gap becoming saturated The struggles faced by SMEs when it comes to securing bespoke products and services from banks have been well-documented. Small and medium enterprises, as we know, have very...

06 Nov 2019
Retired Member

Summer wrap-up: major developments in the crypto

Before diving into summer let’s take a leap in time and see the ‘baggage’ crypto packed during the first five months. According to data by Techemy Academy, the first quarter was quite eventful: there...

30 Oct 2019
Retired Member

3 Major HR Challenges Fintech Companies will Have to Face in the Future

Human resources is probably the most enigmatic function of any company, and the most difficult to predict. The current environment is becoming even more challenging for HR professionals, as demographi...

28 Oct 2019
Paul Shumsky

Uber Can Learn From Walmart’s Employee Mobile Wallet Experience

Uber could well be the next uber employer to be offering employees access to a payroll-based mobile wallet that provides financial benefits, including financial loans. Recently, the listed ride-hailin...

25 Oct 2019
Retired Member

The Auto Finance Industry might be the Next Big Thing in Fintech

Fintech has a number of goals. Make things faster, cheaper and easier for customers and organizations. Fintech holds the promise of dramatically lowering operational costs and the barriers to entry fo...

14 Oct 2019
Retired Member

Biometric Credit Cards. Innovative? Yes, raises a few questions though.

Did you see this news? NatWest to trial biometric credit card NatWest is to begin a three-month trial of biometric fingerprint credit cards with 150 customers. The biometric credit cards will offer co...

11 Oct 2019
Konstantin Rabin

Fintech implementation in Macau helped decrease STRs

Macau is one of the largest gaming havens in the world thanks to its close proximity to mainland China, where it gets millions of visitors every year from. The bridge that connects the administrative ...

10 Oct 2019

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