
Group founded 16 May 2017
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Members 163
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Fintech discussions and conversations around the development of fintech.

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Gustav Korobov

SaaS vs On-premise for Digital Banking: 5 Points to Consider

Today companies have rapidly shifted to cloud technologies. With the disruptive technologies and innovations, unprecedented changes have been taking place in all industries, including Financial Servic...

30 Sep 2020
Retired Member

Is It Time for an Agile Revolution in Financial Services?

Now more than ever, financial services institutions need to move from legacy operational processes and compete with the fast-moving digital world, by putting a digital customer experience at the centr...

29 Sep 2020
Retired Member

What Chess Can Teach Us About Assessing Vendor Risk

Assessing vendor risk is a key topic for many enterprises, seeking fit for purpose solutions to get the job done. Over 60% of data breaches coming from vendor portfolios combined with mounting regula

24 Sep 2020
Ron Delnevo

Improving Cash Access in the UK

Cash access is a huge issue in the UK today. To help address the issue, UK Finance established the Community Cash Access Pilot Scheme, to encourage innovative companies to provide new solutions for ca...

24 Sep 2020
Retired Member

When Will the Self-Driving Wallet Arrive?

There probably isn’t a living person who understands the banking and monetary system and most of us don’t even get the basics of money right. Don’t take my word for it - about 69% of Americans are li...

23 Sep 2020
Konstantin Rabin

Why Singapore is attracting more fintech investment than any other Asian country

Singapore is currently one of the most advanced countries in the world in terms of economy. And this despite the fact that the country ranks 171st in the world by area and has almost no natural resour...

21 Sep 2020
Retired Member

What are investors looking for in the next Fintech?

Are investors getting pickier when it comes to Fintech? It’s hard to say for sure, but there are recent developments that point towards a shift in investor interests. First, research from Innovate Fin...

18 Sep 2020
Natasja Bolton

A comprehensive look at PCI Remote Assessment

Every business requires cybersecurity in order to secure valuable data, protect customers and ensure that the company complies with industry standards and regulations. Just like a car needing to pass ...

17 Sep 2020
Shah Arafat Hossain

7 reasons to meet customers face-to-face

I worked with fintech for a few years, we built a brand. Now, there are people in different countries who love that brand. Few years back, this brand name was just a project in a PowerPoint file of th...

16 Sep 2020
Retired Member

How digital transfers are breaking down borders for foreign workers during the pandemic

When the COVID-19 pandemic started rapidly spreading in early 2020, many of the world’s largest remittance-sending nations, including the United Kingdom, United States, France and Italy, gradually im...

15 Sep 2020
Konstantin Rabin

Fintech Companies and Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality or AR is a new buzzword that has been flying around the world. But is it really that new? Technically, it’s not. The Science Fiction world has been working on hyping it up for a very...

15 Sep 2020
Francois Levy

This crisis shows banks must embrace lending marketplaces to service SMEs

Even before Covid-19, banks have long struggled to service SME’s lending needs and faced pressure to boost customer service from digital banks entering business banking. Now, the unprecedented demand ...

14 Sep 2020

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