
Group founded 16 May 2017
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Members 163
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Fintech discussions and conversations around the development of fintech.

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Sean Salloux

The Global Rise Of The Digital Asset Infrastructure Providers

Documenting the worldwide rise of the behind-the-scenes digital asset infrastructure providers powering the banking revolution With an estimated 42 million people holding Bitcoin in the world, and a f...

04 Mar 2021
Retired Member

Is VISA a colossus on clay feet?

The correct answer is ‘Yes’. Payment technology by VISA and MasterCard had no alternative 20 years ago. Credit or debit card as a customer ID, PIN for authentication, POS terminal to capture transacti...

03 Mar 2021
Ruslan Kolodyazhnyi

How banks and financial companies can benefit from digital currencies

Three years ago, digital currencies seemed like a distant future, but now for European banks and financial companies, this future is just around the corner. In recent years, as digital currencies have...

03 Mar 2021
Retired Member

Does Fecebook’s Libra pose any real threat to economy?

The correct answer is ‘No’. Libra threatens banks as well as VISA and MasterCard. Actually, there is nothing wrong with Libra. This ‘stablecoin’ is just a fictious digital surrogate for money. Faceboo...

01 Mar 2021
Anna Kuzmina

Banks vs Fintech

I know, I know, this ‘banks vs fintech’ sounds sooo 2017. I would have thought that there is nothing to discuss there any longer. But what do you know, it is early 2021 and the first payments-related ...

01 Mar 2021
Retired Member

Payments in 2021 and beyond: Innovating in the new normal and why you should care about security

A quick Google search on the global payments landscape will serve up a myriad of articles ranging from how Covid has accelerated the adoption of contactless and the rise of digital technologies, but a...

23 Feb 2021
Tamas Kadar

How are crypto and blockchain being utilised in the gaming sector?

Bitcoin went mainstream in the last four years, and with it, many online casinos began to accept cryptocurrencies. The key advantage of blockchain technology being used in the online betting, gambling...

22 Feb 2021
Max Zorian

How Documentation can Save Your FinTech Project

FinTech is a high risk high reward industry. Most think about the “reward” side of the equation, but the real experts understand the value of risk mitigation. A common risk of software development is...

17 Feb 2021
Rowland Park

Why is it so important to address macroeconomic research?

Macroeconomic trends affect every aspect of the economy, and as a result, every business within the financial services industry. In the turbulency created from the current pandemic, financial services...

17 Feb 2021
Laurent Descout

Five ways to optimise your corporate hedging strategy for 2021

For millions of small businesses, 2020 was a pretty dismal year. But with a vaccine being rolled out and a Brexit deal agreed, business confidence is growing. I, for one, am looking forward to what 20...

17 Feb 2021
Yuliya Barabash

Fintech potential: the best countries for your fintech business.

A question most frequently asked by Fintech segment clients is “In which region and country can one obtain a license?” To answer this question, one will find it useful to look into 2020 statistics in ...

16 Feb 2021
Doug Gross

How to communicate with the customer’s lifecycle stage in mind for better engagement

As credit card transactions are falling and lending products are becoming even more important, banks are fighting harder than ever before to remain top of mind and relevant to their customers. In this...

12 Feb 2021

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