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Trends in Financial Services

A community to discuss the future of financial services and any other interesting trends, strategies, ideas, views.

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

What Will Banks Accelerate Next In Their Digital Transformation Journeys?

COVID-19 saw banks accelerate their digital transformation plans, condensing them from year-long projects into a matter of weeks. In fact, research from Pega found that the pandemic increased organisations’ urgency for digital transformation, with 91% of all respondents admitting that changes are now needed for their business to survive in a post-...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The advent of a new financial services marketplace

Swift change has been a common factor across industries since COVID-19. The financial services industry is one of many to have experienced disruption. An unprecedented government response in economic policy, changes to our very way of life, and business adaptation across all markets have all combined to make this pandemic hugely disruptive. With t...

/people /markets

Eugene Rudenko

Eugene Rudenko Marketing manager at Aetsoft

How Should Alternative Lenders Combat Emerging Forms of Fraud?

Among the lending firms that fall victim to hacker attacks, mid-large ones surprisingly become the primary targets. LexisNexis reports that only last year, 2,000 mid-large financial services firms and over 1,500 loan vendors suffered from hackers each month. For smaller companies, the figures are more modest: 1,000 and 640 monthly attacks, respect...

/security /payments

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

The Tug of War Between Traditional and Challenger Banks Continues

With banks and their customers being forced to shift a majority of their activity online as a result of COVID-19, it is only logical that the digital banking experience should get more focus. Now, the race is on between financial institutions to get it right as those who sprint ahead of their peers will be able to use their superior banking experi...

/retail /covid-19

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How Relationship Managers still hold the keys to wealth management success post-COVID

Coming into 2020, many wealth management firms have already embarked on digital transformation projects, while others have been slow to evolve. And while digitising the client experience, addressing data management and technological infrastructure, and streamlining operations through automation have been popular areas to focus on, the needs of rel...


Gary Linieres

Gary Linieres CEO & Co-founder at Wealth Dynamix

Managing Portfolios in a Pandemic: Why Intelligent Automation Matters Most

In January, when I asked the Wealth Dynamix leadership team to pick one piece of advice they would offer to a wealth manager looking to achieve differentiation in 2020, we had no idea that within weeks our world would be turned upside down by a pandemic as voracious as COVID-19. In hindsight, the quote I referenced at that time from Jim Marous, Ed...

/wealth /markets

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Your Personal Balance Sheet - Should everybody have one?

For companies a financial balance sheet (i.e. the statement of the financial position at a certain date) is common practice and for the majority of companies even mandatory to create one as part of their annual reporting. In such a balance the assets are put against the liabilities, with the sum of the assets always equal to the sum of the liabilit...

/wealth /retail

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

The Investor, the SME and COVID-19: Time for the Stock Exchange to change or estrange

While the COVID-19 pandemic poses a significant threat to mainstream industry and commerce, it will be even more devastating to Small-to-Medium Enterprises (‘SMEs’), as a large number may not survive the economic impact of the crisis. This issue affects SME activity worldwide, however it is especially pronounced in emerging markets, where access t...

/markets /covid-19

Steve D'Souza

Steve D'Souza Business Development at Iress

Boom! CoVid-19 - That put a spanner in the works! Working from homes....

When talking to our clients at the moment they fall into two camps- one for whom the dispersion of staff to a home office environment was a long way down the scenarios on their BCP, and therefore they are having to revamp their world to adapt to the dispersed workforce, and those that see this as an opportunity to “go digital”. I shall return to ...

/regulation /covid-19

Lisa Fretwell

Lisa Fretwell Managing Director of Data Services at Experian

How can financial services respond to the Covid-19 pandemic?

The circumstances we find ourselves in are unparalleled and changing daily. The way we prepare to weather the impact in the short term will be key to making sure its long-term effects are contained as much as possible – both for our customers and for our own businesses. However, even during these challenging conditions, across all industries we ar...


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