Financial Inclusion

Founded by Graham Seel
Group founded 27 Apr 2015
Posts 133
Members 16
Group summary

The financial services industry has much to contribute to the UN and World Bank goal of full financial inclusion by 2020. This group will focus on industry contributions, ideas, barriers and enablers.

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Graham Seel

Enabling Women’s Savings

Is a move toward digital savings a better answer to the financial needs of poor women than continuing to roll out robust savings associations? An excellent paper just published by Women’s World Banki...

03 Sep 2015
Retired Member

Payments Bank - A new era in Indian Banking

With Reserve Bank of India (RBI) giving in-principle approval to 11 entities to start Payments bank out of total 41 applications, same is being seen as a positive move by RBI towards making banking se...

20 Aug 2015
Graham Seel

Bring Back the Men - To Savings Groups

From its modern beginnings with Grameen Bank, microfinance has focused on women. This made so much sense: they were traditionally underserved and financially disadvantaged, had clearer financial prior...

08 Jul 2015
Graham Seel

Rumors of the Imminent Demise of Cash

… are greatly exaggerated. This is very significant for financial inclusion. Many people are rightly considering how much easier financial inclusion would be, especially in rural areas, if we had a so...

16 Jun 2015
Graham Seel

Informal Savings Groups as Enablers of Financial Inclusion

A major challenge for full financial inclusion is extension to the poorest households in rural areas. Even in the presence of access to mobile services, the lack of financial literacy, unawareness of ...

09 Jun 2015
Graham Seel

All-Encompassing Lending Platform for the Poor?

Is that arrogant enough? But what if we could create a generalized digital lending platform that is specifically designed for the needs of the world’s poorest people? Is that remotely possible? What m...

01 Jun 2015
Graham Seel

Lines of Credit for the Poor: Are They Safe

Should financial institutions offer lines of credit (such as overdraft facilities) for the very poor? The question is prompted by some comments on a couple of my earlier posts, in which concern is exp...

27 May 2015
Graham Seel

Can Banks Really Meet the Financial Needs of the Poor?

We often talk about whether banking the poor can be profitable, as though that’s the only thing stopping banks from providing the financial services the poor need. But in reality, the bigger challenge...

20 May 2015
Graham Seel

Financial Inclusion in a US Immigrant Community

The US Financial Diaries, which have been collected and analyzed over the past year or so by the Center for Financial Services Innovation in tandem with NYU Wagner’s Financial Access Initiative (FAI),...

15 May 2015
Graham Seel

Not All Savings Are Created Equal

There is a tendency to talk about savings for the poor rather generically, as though there really is just one thing called “savings”. With credit, it is more obvious that there are short-term and long...

12 May 2015
Graham Seel

Financial Inclusion Will Require Simplicity

Can we reach full financial inclusion in 5 years? Given the World Bank FI2020 goals, apparently our world leaders think the answer is yes. But those of us working in the commercial banking segment see...

06 May 2015
Graham Seel

Financial Services for the Very Poor - Demand Must Drive Supply

With the current huge focus on Financial Inclusion at the global level and in an increasing number of governments, as well as rapid developments in technology, opportunities to provide financial servi...

28 Apr 2015

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