Fintech innovation and startups

Group founded 11 Dec 2014
Posts 148
Members 43
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Disruption, destruction, harmony and creation; Fintech’s new frontier – a place to discuss the cutting edge of innovation.

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Freddie McMahon


The Malaysian RHB Banking Group has launched a chatbot via the RinggitPlus comparison website. The chatbot is a blend of an “advisor” and “salesperson” for consumers applying for a personal loan. Du...

29 Sep 2017
Retired Member

Second bite of Apple

Could not resist it: Apple’s recent product launches represent a good example of how giants can trip (and, despite of that, still become stronger in some areas). Jobs era has ended It was “not wise” t...

24 Sep 2017
Luke Trigg

The future of financial contract documentation

The legal industry is ripe for an injection of modern technology and that has not gone unnoticed by myriad start-ups all vying to bring the revolution. Creating better ways of doing things is often th...

14 Sep 2017
Rami Alame

Navigating the financial storms with a legal lifeboat

A high level of regulatory change continues to buffet a financial services industry already trying as hard as it can to stay afloat in choppy economic waters. To describe the industry as overstretched...

13 Sep 2017
Sameer Singh Jaini

Fintech without Tech?

Everyday I meet enthusiastic Fintech entrepreneurs, who have started their Fintech Businesses focused on lending, wealth management, payments etc. Most of these entrepreneurs have business background ...

20 Aug 2017
Freddie McMahon

Regulations is the biggest Knowledge Management opportunity for Chatbots

Perhaps it is time to change the way we look at regulations in context to Knowledge Management. The primary benefit of regulations is to protect the interests of individuals, organisations, society ...

05 Aug 2017
Retired Member

Leveraging open source tools to power your Core Insurance Business

It is no secret that insurance and insurers, as we traditionally know them, have been facing many challenges. This is due to the emergence of the new-age disruptive technologies that are altering the ...

02 Aug 2017
Retired Member

Why the banking model could break the UK economy. Part One.

25 JUL 2017 Disclaimers: I am not a disinterested commentator. At my company, we compete with the model of the banks. We are not anti-borrowing. People need to borrow to fund all sorts of things in t...

25 Jul 2017
Chris Brown

Banking on a pre-paid card platform

In recent years there have been a significant number of new "neo-banks" or "challenger banks" launched with much hype, here in the UK. Many of these appear to have been brought to ...

14 Jul 2017
Retired Member

Dear Banks, You Suck and I Love You

Dear Banks, Thank you for your branches. For the long queues, the tasteless coffee and the free crackers while I have to wait for two weeks in your branch to open a bank account. Thank you for clearin...

11 Jul 2017
Retired Member

Struggling with Back Office Automation? The Answer Might be Simpler than You Think

If you are struggling to create or maintain momentum in your automation initiative, the answer may be simpler than you think. Organisations that are successfully managing automation and digital servic...

29 Jun 2017
Michael Pearson

The Profitability Challenge for Fintech Startups

The evidence from a sample of 20 fintech startups in the UK is that there are substantial profitability challenges that still need to be overcome. As of June 2017, the total equity investment in the s...

27 Jun 2017

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