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5 Fintech Startups to Watch in 2019

5 of the Hottest Fintech start-ups to Watch in 2019

Who are the fintech start-ups worth banking on in the year ahead?

We are in the grip of a fintech revolution and 2019 is set to be a pivotal year, with seismic developments ranging from Brexit ructions to the onset of GDPR, the implementation of open banking data aka PSD2 and the ongoing evolution of blockchain-based services.

It is fair to say that Fintech industry is thriving. There are a wealth of startups transforming how consumers use technology and redefining the customer experience in financial services. 

Here are our top 5 fintech startups to watch in 2019 and beyond from young digital disrupters to recently made unicorns. 


Looking to reshape the mortgage broker service sector is Trussle. With more than 11,000 mortgage deals available from over 90 lenders finding the best mortgage can be a daunting task. 

Trussle take all the hassle out of this for you and can help consumers save up to £4,000 per year. What makes this mortgage finding service even better is that Trussle continues to find you the best deal, constantly monitoring the market place, alerting you when a better deal becomes available. 

Next year expect more from Trussle as it looks to work on it's open banking capabilities to quicken the mortgage process for consumers even more. 


"The new shape of money" Circle is a peer to peer payment platform where customers can send and receive payments via the app and now even in iMessage

Having recently raised $100 million pushing the valuation of this fintech startup to almost $3 billion. Next on the agenda for Circle is addressing one of the biggest issues of the crypto world: Its instability.

Ambitions for 2019 for Circle are to help make making payments as easy as using social media and change the relationship we have with money. 


Recent new members to the unicorn club, Monzo are next up on our list of the top fintech startups to watch in 2019. Now with over one million customers and a valuation in excess of £1 billion Monzo has achieved this in only three years. 

In 2019 we think Monzo will start to take strides towards becoming profitable for the first time. Since raising a record breaking £1 million in only 96 seconds it is clear Monzo investors are in this for the long haul. 

Monzo won awards in two categories at the UK Digital Experience Awards. With continued success like this, 2019 might be the year UK biggest banks start to get a little more concerned.

Receipt Bank

After 6 years of consistent growth Receipt Bank has clearly proven that it's cloud based bookkeeping software is here to stay. Receipt Bank’s users can download reports and spreadsheets, or even integrate the service with their own cloud-based accounting software. 

The offering of easy to implement software that helps businesses just like xDesign a mobile app development agency save time and money and automate accounts and expenses. 

A safe prediction would be a seventh consecutive year of growth for Receipt Bank and continued growth for this exciting fintech startup. 


Having only been around for 2 years TrueLayer has found success by supporting other fintech startups. By helping smaller startups access banking data TrueLayer were recently able to secure $7.5 million in funding

2019 is set to be a big year for TrueLayer with more startups looking to harness the power of open banking and potential new European markets to enter a lot more business should be heading the way of TrueLayer. 

The Fintech Industry in 2019

Everything from peer-to-peer (P2P) transfers, know your customer (KYC) and clever APIs, to open banking and the use of blockchain to sit atop banks’ legacy infrastructure and more, will bring about the biggest changes to the financial system in decades.

2019 for the fintech startup industry is sure to be full of innovation. It will be interesting to see how the combination of human service and robotic automation play out and if they can work in harmony. 

Fintech start-ups are in the driving seat and we come to expect more and more from this dynamic group of companies each year. 

Let us know who you think is going to have a big impact on the fintech sector in 2019. 


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