Disruption in Retail Banking

Group founded 03 Oct 2012
Posts 89
Members 30
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Growth in internet and mobile technologies has transformed many industries and economies. The market forces and competitive landscape has completely changed in many sectors. iTunes has fundamentally changed music industry, Amazon has driven most big brick and mortar book sellers out of business, Expedia is one of the worlds' biggest travel company….. the list goes on.

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Bo Harald

Finland 100 years

Finland celebrates its 100 years of independence this year. Being attacked in 1939 by the Soviet Union was a particularly painful part of the journey. The progress after the war - from an agrarian cou...

09 Dec 2017
Retired Member

The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Omni-Channel Day

I have been proclaiming for some time that ‘omni-payment’ is the missing element in many retailers’ full omni-channel customer service offering. What I mean is that many retailers offer their goods an...

07 Dec 2017
Bo Harald

Human-centred approach to data leads the way to a smarter digital age

Borrowed most of this into my post (nbr 350 btw) from a paper by Markus Hautala and Antti Kettunen at Tieto. "... Trust in the digital age is broken. Can you remember the last time you got insura...

15 Nov 2017
Bo Harald

Pretty ok Real Time Economy overwiev


14 Nov 2017
Retired Member

You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, so goes the saying

You can’t successfully become a data led organisation without the right leadership. A recent study, conducted by Forrester in collaboration with Atos, found that the adoption of data analytics is alr...

06 Oct 2017
Vaibhav Grover

Bot-Advisor as your Banker - Are you ready?

Banks across the globe are investing big dollars into Intelligent Bots. HSBC has recently announced a low-cost online investment service that uses algorithms to match customers to an investment portfo...

28 Sep 2017
Retired Member

Don’t Break the Bank: Building for the New Payments Ecosystem

A question we find ourselves asking is how can we deliver on customer experience in a digital payments era? This blog looks to discover that answer! Scalability, availability, and reliability - these ...

19 Sep 2017
Retired Member

Financial services: the race to empower customers

Last month the finance ministry announced that Britons could save hundreds of millions a year as credit and debit card fees added to payments will be axed from January 2018. The total value of surchar...

03 Aug 2017
Retired Member

Why the banking model could break the UK economy. Part Two.

In Part One I wrote about the problem with the UK banking model and why it undermines the UK economy. In summary, banks need to lend to make their current account model work; this helps a lot of peopl...

31 Jul 2017
Retired Member

Moral decision-time for the Big Banks

So, imagine you are CEO of a major British bank. You’ve got a problem to wrestle to the ground. Who do you really want to have as your customers? It’s not as easy as saying “anyone”, (which is the

15 Jul 2017

Now hiring