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Financial Services Regulation

This network is for financial professionals interested in staying up to date on financial services regulation happening anywhere in the world. CFOs, bankers, fund managers, treasurers welcome.

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cybercurrencies and the need for regulation

Anyone with a pulse and the money to cover legal fees can issue a cybercurrency. Once the cybercurrency is created, however, brokers are needed to sell and make a market for it. Given cybercurrencies are an unregulated market, then there are few concerns over how much commission is paid to the broker. The bigger the commission, the greater incenti...


Marc Gratacos

Marc Gratacos Founder and Managing Partner at TradeHeader

Product categorization

With the pressures around regulatory compliance only continuing to intensify, the critical role played in the reporting of financial transactions by product category codes has come into ever sharper focus. Product categorization involves comparing products that may be structurally very similar in 99% of their features – it is the remaining 1% that ...


Shaun Thomas

Shaun Thomas Product Manager at Namescan

The future of Anti-Money Laundering Compliance

It is common practice for AML compliance departments to be traditionally people-heavy and technology inefficient. This is set to change in the next five years or so, with AML compliance departments planning on making large investments into new technology that significantly reduces staff count. Some of the areas that are due for the most change inc...


Sam Goffman

Sam Goffman Business analyst at Forex

The worst month for Bitcoin in seven years and ICO problems

On Saturday, December 1, the cost of Bitcoin rose to the level of $4,300. Then it dropped again: today, December 5, the cryptocurrency is trading at $ 3,850. Last weekend, several events occurred at once that have already influenced the situation in the industry and may change it in the future. 77.6% miners use renewable energy sources CoinShares ...


Henri Wajsblat

Henri Wajsblat Financial Services Expert at Anaplan

Demystifying banking stress tests

Henri Wajsblat, Anaplan’s Head of Financial Services Solutions, interviewed Chappuis Halder Director Vincent Wiencek about implementation challenges of banking stress tests, and what banks should expect from technology. Q: Among all banking regulations, stress tests seem to be a major concern. Why are stress tests a real challenge for the banks?...


Martin Kisby

Martin Kisby Head of Compliance at Equiniti Credit Services

Don’t be weak in spotting vulnerability

Is the answer to how best to define a vulnerable consumer really as simple as quoting the FCA’s definition? “A vulnerable consumer is someone who, due to their personal circumstances, is especially susceptible to detriment, particularly when a firm is not acting with appropriate levels of care.” Whether every vulnerable consumer ‘is especially susc...


Brandon Li

Brandon Li Product Manager at Austreme

Brand Protection: Combating Online Counterfeit with AI

Online sales of branded and luxury items have been rising drastically, in the recent decade. While all the brands are investing big money on establishing online stores, organizing marketing campaigns and doing all the operation enhancements, on the other hand, the online counterfeit sellers are taking a free ride on brand owners’ effort and inv

/ai /regulation

Fabio Urso

Fabio Urso Director - Industry principal - CLM and KYC at Pegasystems

GDPR and Onboarding

Conforming to GDPR across the Customer Lifecycle One of the most talked about regulations in recent years has been GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This EU law was adopted in April 2016 and came into force on 25th May 2018. As well as providing data protection and privacy rights to EU residents, it has wide reaching implications globally...

/regulation /wholesale

Henri Wajsblat

Henri Wajsblat Financial Services Expert at Anaplan

Mapping your journey to IFRS17 compliance

The International Financial Reporting Standard 17 standard (IFRS17) is not just another regulation – it will fundamentally change the way that insurers can and will operate around the world. At its core, IFRS17 will create an international, uniform view of insurers’ reporting of financial statements. Where previously each regional market disclosed...


Eran Noam

Eran Noam Vice President Global Sales & Business Development at Shield FC

Capturing Communications isn’t Compliance

It is six months since the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Mifid II) came in to force and two months since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which means you are probably feeling the effect of regulation exhaustion. It is undoubtedly a long and tiring road to get to a stage where you can say, with confidence, that the organ...


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