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Financial Risk Management

This network brings together professionals involved in the oversight and management of their company's financial risks and exposures as well as solution vendors, in order to discuss risk issues including interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk and commodity price risk, among others.

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Curious Case of Actuarial Science, Geocoding and Machine Learning

“Life insurance is losing its appeal in the U.S. In 1965, Americans purchased 27 million policies, individually or through employers. In 2016, a population that was more than 50 percent larger still bought only 27 million policies. The share of Americans with life insurance has fallen to less than 60 percent, from 77 percent in 1989. Why this is


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Four Ways to Invest in a Rising Interest Rate Environment

Interest rates are on their way up. In September, The Federal Reserve increased the federal funds rate from 2% to 2.25%, the eighth increase since December 2015. With that said, rates are still low by historical standards, and with an economy that is steadily improving, the Fed is set to increase interest rates several more times in the coming mon...


Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

What are the top risks in Organizational Restructuring?

The Top Risks in Restructuring With great organizational change comes great responsibility. Therefore, in order to create a sustainable growth, companies must learn strategies on how to manage the risks in restructuring. Such risks involve an impact on ROI that may occur when applying new changes to business practices. In the midst of restructur...

/retail /wholesale

Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

How to improve company culture with Conduct Risk Framework?

Most industries have undergone regulatory overhauls over the past century; by my observation, none have done so more rigorously than the financial industry, which sometimes falls short of optimum self-regulation. Yet when you, as a business owner, build a culture that imposes self-regulation, you can reduce risk and build trust with your customers...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How not to lose money when buying tokens

How can investors tell a promising blockchain project from a scam and not give their funds to scammers? How not to lose money when investing in cryptocurrencies? Because of fraudsters, the crypto industry participants lose about $9 million daily. One of the riskiest areas for the investor is the purchase of tokens - digital assets of companies deve...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Hedging Alone Can't Save Manufacturers from Risk

Volatility is back – if it ever left – in commodity markets. Geopolitical risks have exploded in the past few weeks and months with the threat and reality of trade tariffs and trade wars, sanctions and political instability, adding to both price and supply uncertainty. Among those impacted – potentially severely – are CPG and manufacturing compani...


Konrad Litwin

Konrad Litwin Global General Manager - Testing at Perforce Software

Keeping up with customer expectations - with Agile ALM

In the crowded, hugely competitive and increasingly digitally driven FS sector, software is being developed and rolled out faster on an unprecedented level. I’m not just talking about implementing whole new IT systems, but all the software updates and new features that are happening at an increased cadence. The financial firm that fails to keep u...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Juggling authentication techniques to prevent fraud and comply with GDPR

If your business operates online no doubt you will have processes in place to help mitigate the risks of fraud to your business. With UK finance fraud losses standing at £618 million in 2016 (Financial Fraud Action UK), fraud is no laughing matter. It’s difficult to juggle the costs of authentication against the risk to your business of fraud. Also...

/security /regulation

Sushama Divekar

Sushama Divekar Consultant - Retail Banking, Analytics & Insights at Not Applicable

How Banks can leverage Data Blueprint to create an effective and efficient AML programme

The Anti Money Laundering (AML) space is like a double edged sword that dangles on Banks. While on one hand the regulations are getting more stringent, on the other hand, fraudsters are always finding loopholes in bank's processes, procedures and patterns to go undetected with their money laundering activities. Hence, Banks need to up their effo


Lee Campbell

Lee Campbell CEO & Founder at Cube Logic

The Importance of Enterprise-Wide Credit Risk Management

Effective credit risk management depends on data aggregate across multiple silos and the ability to produce accurate, consistent and forward-looking measures of credit exposure at the single obligor level. These data silos are often inevitable, especially when multiple front office trading systems, ETRMs, etc. are present, and yet must be overcome...


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