A community for discussing technology trends, views and perspective in global transaction banking
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Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group
I am trying to validate my assumption that while European banks are today working to comply with PSD2 regulatory requirements, they will move in the next two years from a payment-centric API strategy to a wider transaction banking-based API strategy, meaning that they could open APIs to fintech partners that connect to their cash, liquidity, trade...
30 January 2017
Nahum Goldmann Partner at
I had published a review of this remarkable book some time back at the American Bankers Association's Journal. I am posting it again here because I believe that it should also be a required reading for the executives of every FinTech startup, whether or not they plan to conduct regulated services or whose services might unexpectedly become regula...
08 September 2016 /regulation /startups
My grandmother likes to stay informed and recently told me: << I read on the magazine a few days ago about something called “blockchain”. Everybody seems to have fallen in love with it so it must be something important. Unfortunately the article was full of technical jargon and I could not understand a thing. Do you know what it is? >>...
18 March 2016 /payments
What I find interesting of Ripple that I don't read much about is that it basically proposes a "uberization" of the banking system: What corporate users need are funds to make their payments, and those funds do not necessarily come from one bank. I just finished reading a quote from the CEO of DBS Bank that "in the future people wil...
27 January 2016 /payments
These days blockchain is a blockbuster at banks. Financial institutions are spending time and resources to find how much business they can gain by adopting this new technology. This hype on the bank side might not correspond to similar interest from corporates. Nor it is clear whether it creates similar business opportunities for either side. My o...
25 November 2015
Retired Member
Transparency in the process of government subsidy from allocation to distribution to reach the intended receipient is the foundation for confidence in the government and for even economic growth. There have been several such programmes in India from decades. In the past the sharp depletion of dollar number as it percolated was close to 50% (educat...
02 September 2015 /payments /inclusion
The world has been waiting with bated breath for US to open the doors for core banking transformation. Reams have been written (digitally and on papyrus) and good time spent discussing with one objective question, When? My question is Why? Why should a bank that is in steady state of equilibrium unnecessarily assume the risk of transformation. As...
19 August 2015 /retail
George Ravich President at Ravco Marketing, LLC
An IDC report released last week cited what may seem like a staggering number – that banks are forecasted to spend $16.6 billion on digital transformation initiatives this year. Additionally, by 2019, one third of IT budgets at US banks will be dedicated to achieving digital transformation, a CAGR of 10.4%. This may seem like an astounding number ...
13 July 2015
This is a very short note I felt compelled write to share my sense of frustration. I am a strong believer in the Peer-to-Peer concept and business models. However I see an indiscriminate use of the "P2P" term for all sorts of solutions and offerings, with very little (to be generous) relation to the true objectives (and caveats) of P2P: ...
29 August 2014 /payments
Patricia Hines Head of Corporate Banking at Celent
For many banks, back office systems for such critical functions as deposit accounting, loan servicing, and payment processing have been in place for decades, running on huge legacy mainframes. According to industry analysts, IT departments spend 70 to 90 percent of their budgets managing and maintaining these disparate systems, leaving little left...
13 August 2014
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