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Peer-to-Peer or Promise-to-Pass -away-?

This is a very short note I felt compelled write to share my sense of frustration.

I am a strong believer in the Peer-to-Peer concept and business models. However I see an indiscriminate use of the "P2P" term for all sorts of solutions and offerings, with very little (to be generous) relation to the true objectives (and caveats) of P2P: extended reach; visibility; self-controlling; dis-intermediation; increased responsibility; setting higher expectations; higher risk of failure.

My concern is that "P2P" sounds just about "sexy" and therefore it will be used as a general-purpose brand for all sorts of intents ad purposes. See what's happened with "SaaS", "Cloud", and "2.0"?

Bottom line: P2P risks of becoming yet another "marketing bandwagon" doomed to pass away with the fashion season. Serious P2P players are still in time to properly educate the market and establish the right boundaries of the P2P ecosystem.


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