A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.
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There's a new study out that says investor behavior is almost half determined by genetic factors. Twins who were raised apart were compared to twins raised together, in terms of their investing preferences. This suggests to me that personality type preferences, and learning style preferences, which are both rooted in early childhood -- are at work ...
02 December 2009 /retail
Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research
2009 has seen tightening up of regulation in the financial markets globally, and the payments environment is no exception. In Europe, the EU has pioneered a number of changes with the introduction of SEPA Direct Debits and the PSD. Whilst much of this red tape has created challenges for banks and institutions the introduction of the PSD this Novem...
26 November 2009 /payments
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
This rapid action - now in Belgium is a very welcome step in the right direction. Practioners know that structured e-invoicing is so much more secure, that there are no needs to impose mandatory digital signatures and that DG Taxud and member states are moving towards PAN EU equal treatment. The technology neutral approach means that businesses c...
19 November 2009 /payments
The EC Expert Group on e-Invoicing has approved its Final Report. It will be published in within the next weeks. The work has involved a total of close to 60 experts over nearly two years and has already had a significant effect on the activities both in the market uptake, in the standardization area and in the regulatory simplification and unifi...
15 November 2009 /payments
Matt White North America editor at Finextra
A few weeks ago David Roodman, research fellow at the Centre for Global Development, kicked up a bit of a storm when he posted a lengthy blog raising concerns about the transparency displayed by micro-lending site Kiva. You can read the post here, Kiva CEO Matt Flannery's response here, a NY Times article here, another Flannery response here an...
13 November 2009 /retail
A Nordic study (PTS in Sweden) reveals that the mobile share of minutes in outgoing telephone calls in 2008 were the following: Finland 83% Norway 55 Denmark 54 Iceland 48 Sweden 41 The study is claiming that fixed line telephony was so much cheaper in Sweden that this explains the difference compared to F...
08 November 2009 /retail
An interesting news item caught my eye this morning on the BBC News website, that I thought might prove of use/amusement/alarm to you. Interesting that Lord Myners also thinks that there is no long term value to high frequency trading, instead believing that “the process risked destroying the relationship between an investor and a company”. Later ...
03 November 2009
The concept of “machine readable” until a few years ago was something of an alien concept. Now a person only has to think of travelling to realise that reading machines are taking over with the use of machine readable passports. When it comes to machine readable news though, despite the hype, there appears to be little in the way of actual take up...
28 October 2009
Last week saw the largest ever gathering of QIs, NQIs, Auditors, US Withholding Agents and solutions vendors since 2001 when the US withholding tax regulations - 1441 NRA came into force. 100 attendees discussed the impact of US tax regulations for two days. The US Joint Congressional Committee on Tax (JCT) indicated prior to the conference that ...
26 October 2009 /regulation /wholesale
Cedric Pariente Stanford Certified Project Manager at EFFI Consultants
ANYONE CAN SOLVE ANY PROBLEM WITH THE RIGHT METHOD. In this blog, I'm gonna reveal the secret that any good MD knows. You will be able to solve any problem efficiently and look smart about it :-) To handle a problem efficiently, we need first to describe what a problem is! Once it's clear we'll see a perfect roadmap to solve any kind of problem
23 October 2009 /security /regulation
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