Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Uri Rivner

Finger Pointing in Commercial Banking

Hey, that’s a first. A bank sues a customer over losing money to fraud. It used to be the other way around. Online banking fraud got to executive level attention when in 2005 Bank of America was sued...

11 Feb 2010
Retired Member

The Next Big Thing - and what is it takes to be that thing

When something happens for the first time - it's avantgarde. If you see it twice - it's original. On the third time - it's plagiarism. On the fourth - it's pastiche. But when it happens for the fifth ...

10 Feb 2010
Uri Rivner

Have you lost your Carbon?

Butch Cassidy: You know, when I was a kid, I always thought I'd grow up to be a hero. Sundance Kid: Well, it's too late now. Butch Cassidy: What'd you say that for? You didn't have to say something ...

07 Feb 2010
Bo Harald

Cutting administrative costs in half

Innovations always take time. Also in the case of e-invoicing. A few observations: - e-banking took time - and typically some actors lost faith (did not jump on the bandwagon or went passive) halfway ...

07 Feb 2010
Retired Member

Mobile - First you'll get one - then...

By 2014, mobile and Internet technology will help over 3 billion of the world's adults to electronically transact. Emerging economies will see increase in mobile and Internet adoption through 2014. Wo...

06 Feb 2010
Retired Member

Can Bold Innovation Save Banking?

Banking has a long history of producing innovative technology; from the Big Bang of the 1980s, through ATMs and debit cards, to this century’s online banking. Technology has repeatedly changed the way...

03 Feb 2010
Paul Love

Where next for contactless?

In the last week or so we have seen announcements from PKO Bank Polski and Intesa Sanpaolo about their plans to roll out contactless to their customers, with PKO Polski reporting that 6 million cards ...

28 Jan 2010
Bo Harald

e-banking high up

What are Internet users doing on the net? A new study (Redera) produced the following for Finland: - looking for information 97% - e-banking 95% - custome...

27 Jan 2010
Retired Member

Mobile payments - a tale of princes, laws and treasures

In the previous post we've looked at mobile payments in a glance, why there's a huge chance today and what are the biggest challenges. In this post I will start diving deeper into them, and suggest a...

25 Jan 2010
Bo Harald

Innovations do not come from outer space

Innovations do not come from outer space - technology often comes - at least from space. There is a long way for new technology to become an invention, then give birth to a business idea which has th...

23 Jan 2010
Stanley Epstein

Legacy Thinking

I have just been running a series of training courses in Johannesburg on various banking subjects and something that one of the course participants said really struck a chord in me and in the group th...

22 Jan 2010
Uri Rivner

First Bullet Fired in a Virtual War

I’m interrupting my series of 2009 mega-trends and 2010 projections to discuss the current situation in cybercrime. What a crazy week. First Google says it is prepared to pull its business out of Chi...

21 Jan 2010

Now hiring