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Banking and Lending Solutions

Technology Innovations for Banks and NBFC's in Lending Operations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Should Consumer Lenders Migrate Towards SMEs?

It seems pathetic to compare America’s 1800’s westward migration to a well-funded fintech expanding its product suite. But that’s exactly what I’m doing. 150 years ago, moving west to find greener pastures (and perhaps even gold), was a road touted with hopes, dreams and extreme danger. One could remain in the built up eastern towns of New York o


Victor Martin

Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot

How Innovative Fintech Startups can Find Investment?

Fintech representing the technology-driven financial industry, largely drives the modern financial and banking industry. Because of this, any new startup with a unique idea of streamlining financial services opens up a level-playing field to join the booming Fintech bandwagon. You know, many banking success stories were shaped by the Fintech revol...

/people /startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How To Correctly Price Buy-Now-Pay-Later For SMEs

A few years ago when the wave of consumer buy-now-pay later (BNPL) adoption took off, it was only a matter of time before entrepreneurs looked into a B2B proposition. On the surface it makes sense. B2C merchants seem to be enjoying the fruits of BNPL, including an increase of up to 30% in average basket sizes. BNPL consumer giants like Klarna als

/payments /startups

Kateryna Danylchenko

Kateryna Danylchenko CEO at Creditinfo Ukraine

Ukraine - Why a more global approach to credit is crucial in a refugee crisis

Since war broke out in Ukraine, over 12 million people have fled their homes and 8 million have left the country – myself included. Currently, 5.5 million Ukrainian refugees have registered for Temporary Protection schemes across Europe – leaving their families and jobs, setting up new lives with no certainty of how long they’ll be away. Europe’...

/inclusion /markets

Joe Torres

Joe Torres CEO at DYCSI

Every Company is now a Fintech Company

INNOVATION Innovation through technology is a natural process in any industry. It is part of humanity to find better ways to do anything, we have observed it and documented it for as long as we can remember. In the financial services industry it is even more important. Financial products, and the companies that provide them, have been enormously tr...

/inclusion /markets

Abhinav Paliwal

Abhinav Paliwal CEO at PayNet Systems

7 Must Needed Attributes for BNPL

BNPL is not the same as traditional lending. It creates a rare win-win-win for Consumers, Merchants & Banks. Here are 7 key attributes that make BNPL work as it is meant to 👇�� All these parameters need to be in place, simultaneously 1. POS finance has existed for a long time. This usually involves a loan application which is then approved ...

/payments /startups

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Liquidity management as a (banking) service

The last few years we have been overwhelmed by PFM tools and account aggregators, giving us insights in our financial situation, like our spending habits, sources of revenue or forecasts of our expected future cash flows. While those tools are definitely useful, they still require quite some effort of the user and even more self-control of the user...


Luigi Wewege

Luigi Wewege President at Caye International Bank

10 Top Features of the Best Offshore Banks

You wouldn’t dream of assuming that all domestic banking institutions are the same, so why lump all offshore banks together? The fact is that not all banks offer the same features or the same level of service. Before choosing an international bank to house part of your assets, compare different banks to see what each offers. Be sure the following f...

/wealth /retail

Pete Lord

Pete Lord CEO and Co-founder at Codat

The Small Business Administration’s Direct Lending Proposal is Well-Meaning but Flawed

Small businesses are one of the most important pillars of the U.S. economy. They employ 47% of Americans and contribute $5.9 trillion to overall GDP. The nearby convenience store, the auto repair shop around the corner or pizza parlor down the street are constants in our lives — and at the heart of local communities across the country. But times ...

Jessica Bayley

Jessica Bayley Head of Marketing at

Optimising payment collections for prime vs subprime borrowers

In addition to the obvious differences in the quality of their credit histories, navigating the payments landscape for prime vs subprime borrowers can look starkly differently from a lender’s perspective. Not only are subprime borrowers viewed as higher risk for defaulting on payments, but they are also subject to further constraints related to pa...


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