Data Management and Governance

Founded by Tejasvi Addagada
Group founded 03 Apr 2020
Posts 47
Members 3
Group summary

Anything that can be used to better manage and govern data.

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David Csiki

How Emerging Tech Can Transform Client Outreach and Reporting for Investment Managers

Whether it be standardized client statements, marketing factsheets or other investor communications, investment management firms face a myriad of challenges when trying to provide accurate reporting t...

11 Feb 2021
Christopher Smith

Compliance and control: Solve your data headache with better email and document management

The increasing volume of data that financial firms hold is making it difficult for them to control information and ensure sensitive correspondence is managed effectively. This lack of data management ...

04 Jan 2021
John Cant

You've been quiet - are you Dormant, Deceased or just Gone Away?

When a financial sector customer becomes less active it is often an important signal that they have reached a new stage in their lifecycle, and critically need specific handling. We will look at some

08 Dec 2020
Joris Lochy

The boundary between Data and Code is blurring

In the corporate world, the usage of Excel files is still enormous. Many business tools are still running in Excel, often extended with VBA macros and applications. As an Excel fan myself, I can relat...

19 Oct 2020
Barley Laing

Seamless 2x2 ID verification is critical during and post pandemic

What is clear from the pandemic is that financial institutions need a standout online presence if they are to prosper today and in the future. The health crisis has hastened acceptance and reliance on...

24 Sep 2020
John Cant

But it worked in Harrogate!

I have nothing against Harrogate, well not consciously at least. However, over recent months there has been much discussion about unconscious bias in many walks of life - including mention in this art...

24 Jul 2020
Retired Member

COVID-19 analytics: the lesson for those involved in policy management

Contemporary government policy interventions are increasingly defined by data, indicators, and metrics. Furthermore, Data-driven ‘radical incrementalism’ methodologies devised by the now independent t...

23 May 2020
Clinton Hook

Four reasons why data quality is essential throughout COVID-19

The last couple of months have been nothing like anything we’ve ever experienced before. As the UK government continues to make significant interventions in response to COVID-19, businesses continue t...

21 May 2020
Barley Laing

Get back to basics with data to survive and grow in challenging times

The financial services industry is in unchartered territory as it attempts to plot a path through the current pandemic. Financial institutions are having to make big decisions at speed about how they ...

21 May 2020
Doug Gross

The scalability of CX: expectations versus reality

When we talk to organizations about customer experience (CX) or about CX tooling, we often get the reaction that they are already working on this or that they’re quite ‘good’ when it comes to it. They...

22 Apr 2020
Tejasvi Addagada

Data Offices assist in Kick-starting rapid shifts in Digital Banking

Slowly yet steadily, Banks are seeing customers (including ourselves) picking up services that have distinct digital capabilities. The mechanics of customer interaction has rapidly shifted from phys...

03 Apr 2020

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